Years ago, I worked for a one-sheet advertising paper franchised and distributed all across the country. This one client wasn’t one of my regulars (Thank God), but I did have to deal with her on occasion when my colleague was out of the office. It technically wasn’t her franchise but her mother’s, she just ran the day to-day operations. She was from Arizona and was the whiniest frau ever! She only liked working with her assigned team, which I can understand but she couldn’t seem to comprehend them not being at her beck and call 24/7. Nothing I did could ever please her.
Her favorite word was “insulting”, and I never had an exchange with her where she didn’t use it. The proof watermarks were “insulting”; the ad design I attempted was “insulting”; corporate policies were “insulting”. I heard her on the phone a few times and she had the most grating, squeaky baby doll voice imaginable. Even her regular team didn’t like her that much, and one said “I don’t think she realises how rude she comes across.”
Nobody shed any tears when her mom sold her franchise.