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Read the entire page and click on the links for verification of names, dates, places, data, and medical observations, please. TIA!


A Series of Unfortunate Events

On June 30, 2019, a pneumonia of unknown cause at Greenspring, a nursing home fifteen minutes from Fort Belvoir[3], VA, killed three and sickened 54.

On July 9th, another pneumonia of unknown cause was reported in Alexandria, VA and all lung images showed the ‘ground glass’ shadow typical of Covid-19. Coincidentally, the CDC chose that date to withdraw the only American epidemiologist embedded with Beijing’s CCDC. The following week a pneumonia epidemic was reported at a nursing home in Burke, VA and the Virginia State Health Bureau banned collective activities and began screening residents in assisted care facilities and requiring enhanced hygiene. In early, August the CDC expanded its pneumonia patient detection system and, in an unprecedented civilian intervention in military affairs, shut down the Army’s main military biowarfare lab (and Superfund site), Fort Detrick, MD where, a senior scientist said, the atmosphere was one of “fear and mistrust.”

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by Anonymousreply 29April 16, 2020 2:26 AM


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by Anonymousreply 1April 15, 2020 12:41 AM

Some more:

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by Anonymousreply 2April 15, 2020 12:43 AM

Story is that it wasn't a bioweapon but something that escaped the research labs and China been lying and covering it off to not affect their status in the world.

by Anonymousreply 3April 15, 2020 12:44 AM

World leaders and the .001% knew back when they held the Event 201 simulation in October 2019.

by Anonymousreply 4April 15, 2020 12:52 AM

I’ve said this on other threads, but I was terribly sick in December and January with a virus. After a CAT scan on my lungs, a radiologist found a node in one of my lungs. I was supposed to see a pulmonologist, but then all hell broke loose. I’m a non smoker, and I don’t think I’ve ever been that sick. I never traveled, even out of state, around that time period. I’m not into weird conspiracy theories, but it makes me wonder. I still have the damn cough. I never ran much of a fever, though, which so many people suffer from.

by Anonymousreply 5April 15, 2020 12:53 AM

^dude go back to the doctor.

by Anonymousreply 6April 15, 2020 1:12 AM

Hey, I know ZERO, however, I was the first one here to point out the origin of Covid-19 from bats, due to remembering my Vetrinarian from back in 1998, discussing CoronaVirus in cat’s,, because my cat had an actual cold. When I asked how it got to cats, he answered bats in North America, and Canada, were exposed to some bacteria growing in caves.

Anyhow, I googled this, and found various research papers on the materials. The link should be on one of the earliest CoronaVirus-19 threads.

What really stuck out for me was the 1st Covid-19 report in the US, was a teenaged boy who passed away from the virus, at an Air Force Base in California, then suddenly, the majority of a nursing home was wiped out. Both the boy and the nursing home came from Washington state, USA. Then, the media narrative was all about the elderly, no risk... TET, and a week later, it was in Atlanta, GA. That was my clue to quit my job and shelter in place. As of today, 4 people at my previous job have been infected, 3 died. I continued digging. Found out about some very egregious discrepancies with the reported number of deaths, and yes, I’m in a red state.

Please hear me out: I explore things from all angles. I’m not a professional in government, or medicine, however, I have a brain that I use to think outside of the box. Researchers have found alarming rates of this virus in nursing homes, where social distancing happens due to the logistical isolation of these rural areas. Pro-Publica will back me up.

If DJT and this administration were trustworthy, I wouldn’t have to research, compare, run numbers, track, break down averages, etc., but because he the GOP, and his staff are shady as fuck, I came to the conclusion weeks ago, that I was on my own, and I had to take care of myself, because Republican leadership all the way from federal, to state, to local levels, were not going to do so.

I am fortunate that I left my job when I did. I did it on decision Ms made via studying the spread in China. The information at that point was minimal, but I set a trigger: Atlanta, NY, or Florida, and it’s time to get the fuck out.

I am offering this stuff (links), as research materials and alternative points of view. In no way do I claim that these sources are concrete, or valid, however, Pro Publica is a solid information hub, and reports linked here are also verifiable. Just research, and you will find trails I already went down.

Much information is being wiped off the internet. But it’s there, if you know how to look.

Just lookin’ out. No one else seems to be, so I figured it’s better to share than to think I’m nuts, when perhaps, I’m not.

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by Anonymousreply 7April 15, 2020 1:13 AM

I believe this was circulating in the fall. But the narrative is late December. Who knows until there is antibody testing.

by Anonymousreply 8April 15, 2020 1:13 AM

Trump knew, did nothing. Vote Biden.

by Anonymousreply 9April 15, 2020 1:14 AM

Also I was sick for 2 weeks in December including weird symptoms of things I've never had before including pink eye. Then my dogs both caught colds from us.

by Anonymousreply 10April 15, 2020 1:14 AM

Trump knew. Don’t blame shift.

by Anonymousreply 11April 15, 2020 1:22 AM

“On her way to work Friday morning, Twohig said she saw one of her patients wandering to a bodega with a surgical mask dangling from his wrist. She called out to him, “Show me how you put it on.” He fumbled with a demonstration, then ambled off toward Broadway, the thoroughfare that cuts through Queens.

Later that day, Ng told her and the other staff that the patient in the hospital had died and that his roommate, their client, was still refusing medical attention because he insisted he had no symptoms.

Twohig could feel a pit form in her stomach. She asked if their client was being quarantined. Ng said no, and the pit in her stomach rose to her throat.

ProPublica separately learned that Shamshudin Karmali, an 82-year-old resident of the home, died on March 22. A relative confirmed the cause was the coronavirus. A worker at the home said Karmali had scarcely left the facility in the months before his death.”

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by Anonymousreply 12April 15, 2020 1:27 AM

Obama Presidency era had the most comprehensive and solid regulations passed for nursing homes all across the United States, holding administrative professionals in this sector accountable, more than ever.

Trump de-regulated and/or issued executive orders reversing those regulations and government oversight, as well as crippling the CDC and FEMA in 2017.

Why? Why would you do something so potentially catastrophic? It’s the equivalent of driving around without car insurance, or wearing a 5 carat diamond ring, to a drug buy in parts of Jersey.

Honestly, it made no sense to me then, and it makes even less sense to me now.

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by Anonymousreply 13April 15, 2020 1:34 AM

Read about what was happening in 2027:

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by Anonymousreply 14April 15, 2020 1:41 AM

Trump knew.

by Anonymousreply 15April 15, 2020 1:52 AM

Hi I am here for the ceazy person convention. I only have an hour until I have to return to the asylum.

by Anonymousreply 16April 15, 2020 1:58 AM

China covered it up and Trump has been criminally negligent. They are both awful.

by Anonymousreply 17April 15, 2020 2:01 AM

The deadly pathogen, Candida Auris, has spread through Nursing Homes in NYC, hospitals in America, and worldwide. It has killed millions of bats, and the bats have infected swine, and cross species infections and protein metabolic occurrences have mutated into conditions that have jumped species barriers, including humans.

CoVid-19 might be deadly, precisely BECAUSE, antibiotics have been pumped into the cattle and poultry industries, worldwide, and the cycle of infection, once repeated over and over, renders cross infection to species, treatment resistant to fungi and bacteria, while metabolically restructuring protein (RNA) across species, resistant to treatment modalities in viral, bacteria and fungi pathogens.

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by Anonymousreply 18April 15, 2020 2:08 AM

Once reviewing R18, read the study of cross species pathogen mutations and infection:

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by Anonymousreply 19April 15, 2020 2:09 AM

R16= Trump on Ambien or Ativan. LMAO!

No, R16, I’m not in the asylum. Last I checked, I was not living at the White House, however, even if I were, that doesn’t qualify me as crazy.

As I mentioned above, I read. I read A LOT. I read more than the average American, and I read more than our president-NO FUCKING QUESTION, WHATSOEVER.

That said, I look at possible patterns when I finish reading about certain subjects. Once I begin that, I start looking at possible connections, because connections make the patterns, and those patterns have a beginning, and an end. Granted, most of what I theorize, are INDEED, THEORIES. But MY theories are not conspiracy theories. Why? Because: Theories based on SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE, COUPLED WITH VERIFIABLE FACTS, ARE REALLY FUCKING GREAT THEORIES.

Again, had we had an administration that operated under the principal of TRANSPARENCY AND OPEN RESOURCE INFORMATION, I WOULD NOT HAVE TO THEORIZE AS MUCH AS I CURRENTLY AM. YES????

Fuck off, R16. An Ivy League education is a TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE.

by Anonymousreply 20April 15, 2020 2:20 AM

OP/R7, Canada is in North America.

by Anonymousreply 21April 15, 2020 2:27 AM

R21, correct. Thanks for the correction! Corrections are always welcomed.

Nerds weigh in 👇🏽!

By the way, I love nerds. Really long yet VERY interesting insight.

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by Anonymousreply 22April 15, 2020 2:42 AM

Part 2/2 (from 1/2, linked @ R22.

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by Anonymousreply 23April 15, 2020 2:44 AM

[quote] That said, I look at possible patterns when I finish reading about certain subjects. Once I begin that, I start looking at possible connections, because connections make the patterns, and those patterns have a beginning, and an end.

So do schizophrenics.

by Anonymousreply 24April 15, 2020 1:48 PM

R18: Antibiotics have no effect on viruses, genius. Sit down and shut up.

by Anonymousreply 25April 15, 2020 2:25 PM

Sure, Jan, at R25.

JFC. I understand why we are here, today. We live in a country filled with ignorance and lack of continuous education, and believe everything we hear on the news!

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by Anonymousreply 26April 15, 2020 5:15 PM

Ting Tong know. Me get sick from bat stew.

by Anonymousreply 27April 15, 2020 5:26 PM

Ting Tong know

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by Anonymousreply 28April 15, 2020 6:20 PM

The Chinese purposely infected the rest of the world and kept it localized in China. I imagine they'll buy up crippled western economies after this.

by Anonymousreply 29April 16, 2020 2:26 AM
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