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Does it make you upset todays gaylings avoid gay culture?

Most of them find it too "girly" and don't want to stick out in their friends circles. Thoughts?

by Anonymousreply 162August 23, 2022 11:49 AM

Where are you, OP? Nebraska? NYC Boys are out & about.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 1August 1, 2017 4:33 AM

Not upset, just sad for them. It's important to build gay friendships and a sense of community when you are young. Doing so affects your whole life and doing so when you are older is not the same. It's their loss I guess.

by Anonymousreply 2August 1, 2017 4:34 AM

Those dont look like boys R1.

by Anonymousreply 3August 1, 2017 4:35 AM

R3 it's a representation of a new Twink at the Eagle in Chelsea with a bunch of Bears

by Anonymousreply 4August 1, 2017 4:37 AM

R2 You can't make gay friends without listening to showtunes?

by Anonymousreply 5August 1, 2017 4:38 AM

Gay culture is dead. Marriage Equality buried it.

by Anonymousreply 6August 1, 2017 4:41 AM

R6 you girls begged us for marriage equality.

by Anonymousreply 7August 1, 2017 4:42 AM

R6 indeed, let's throw a circuit party at Pottery Barn.

by Anonymousreply 8August 1, 2017 4:43 AM

r6 reminds me of the modern blacks who lament the downside of integration and want to go back to segregation, if only so they have something to complain about.

by Anonymousreply 9August 1, 2017 4:44 AM

R9 Why do we white older queen always gotta compare homosexuality to race? You probably don't even know any black people bye

by Anonymousreply 10August 1, 2017 4:45 AM

Maybe DL is one of the last few bastions of gay culture. I live in the gay section of a major city in a complex full of gays and none of them know a fucking thing about the arts and they're not even young. Just boring.

by Anonymousreply 11August 1, 2017 4:48 AM

A lot of gay culture was a form of adaptation to prejudice and discrimination. It's nice to,have gay friends, but there is no one right way to be gay. That culture was alienating to some of us who believe that being gay is only part of a full life.

by Anonymousreply 12August 1, 2017 4:48 AM

[quote]You can't make gay friends without listening to showtunes?

You are missing that boat, that is mostly an east coast subculture of queens. I dont know any show tunes and I am an elder gay. Neither do most of my friends. Your take of gay culture is quite superficial and limited.

by Anonymousreply 13August 1, 2017 4:49 AM

Its not all or nothing R12. You can be a part of gay culture and straight culture at the same time. Most gay men even back in the day could not afford to live in a gay ghetto.

by Anonymousreply 14August 1, 2017 4:51 AM

R13 That wasn't meant to be taken literal. Point is you dont need to be apart of a cult to make friends. There's nothing wrong with having more straight than gay friends. Sexuality is a small part of someone's personality

by Anonymousreply 15August 1, 2017 4:51 AM

r15 Not if you're a compulsive sex addict like a lot of damaged eldergays, or even Gen Xers.

by Anonymousreply 16August 1, 2017 4:53 AM

R9 truly believes that being relegated to a subset of het is preferable to developing a unique, vibrant, flourishing culture.

by Anonymousreply 17August 1, 2017 4:54 AM

Yes, R15, I agree being gay is only a part of someones personality, but its an important part.

As for meeting gay friends, you chances are a lot higher in a gay neighborhood than just random guy at the office. Unless you work at a gay club or retail store, 99% of the people you will come in contact with will be straight. Then out of that, how many will you even like? Assuming you dont count Grinder as a friend app.

by Anonymousreply 18August 1, 2017 4:55 AM

r17 I'm hetero, we hets only supported gay marriage because you gays were BEGGING for it.

You wanted to be normals, and now you are. We heteros weren't begging for you gays to change the definition of marriage, which is the bedrock of civilized society. But we supported you guys anyway. Maybe that was a mistake.

by Anonymousreply 19August 1, 2017 4:57 AM

It's all about the numbers. Walk into a gay club and there could be a 100 guys around your age, maybe half a dozen you might actually click with and want to be friends. Walk into a straight club, maybe a hand full of gays all busy talking to their straight friends trying to fit in.

by Anonymousreply 20August 1, 2017 4:59 AM

The fact is if the gay community was more likable, young gays would want to be more participatory.

The fact is most gays are catty like the worst women, and heterosexuals make for healthier friendships.

by Anonymousreply 21August 1, 2017 4:59 AM

R18 But that's my point. Why do I need a lot of gay friends? I don't care who I'm friends with gay straight trans etc as long as I like you're personality we're good. It's not like how it was back in the day when gay men had to join up and form a cult. I was in summer school today (yes I'm a teenager) and we were discussing gay marriage laws (it was a government class) and my teacher was talking about the gay marriage case and mostly everyone voted they agree (surprisingly black guys were the most vocal about it) saying "if someone wants to even marry a fucking dog why is anyone bussiness". Point is people are more accepting now and days so there's no need to worry about having a bunch of gay friends for survival.

by Anonymousreply 22August 1, 2017 5:00 AM

In days*

by Anonymousreply 23August 1, 2017 5:01 AM

Poor elder gays can't imagine a world where younger gays are not ostracized by heteros.

R6 is spot on.

You sound exactly like some of my older Jewish relatives who are horrified that their grandchildren and great-grandchildren have mostly gentile friends, marry gentiles and don't feel compelled to live in Scarsdale or Great Neck or some other gilded ghetto.

They tell them that they "need" to be surrounded by other Jews, that their gentile friends call them "dirty Jews" behind their backs and warn that the German Jews in the 1920s thought that they were assimilated into German society, that some of them had even converted but the Nazis still sent them to the gas chambers.

Elder Gays are just like the older members of any other American immigrant group mourning the days when everyone in their community hung out together and there was a real culture, not like these Americanized grandchildren of theirs.

by Anonymousreply 24August 1, 2017 5:03 AM

R9 is spot on. Not R6

by Anonymousreply 25August 1, 2017 5:05 AM

And my elderly Jewish relatives are like that because like the ElderGayz they spend their lives feeling like they stood out like sore thumbs, like they never truly belonged in America. And they had plenty of proof, people who did call them dirty Jews, country clubs that wouldn't have them as members, hotels that didn't accept Jewish guests.

And like the ElderGayz of DL, they truly can't fathom that their grandchildren and great-grandchildren grew up without any of that, that they feel 100% comfortable in America and think of themselves as Californians or Jets fans or gamers firs, not Jews.

by Anonymousreply 26August 1, 2017 5:09 AM

r24 what you describe is actually the real history of the Jews. Sneaky, seething hatred of Gentiles, and greatly exaggerating Jewish persecution for the sake of isolating the flock from the real threat: assimilation. Just like that M Night Shyamalan movie, The Village.

Even the Holocaust was exaggerated by a few million, through tortured confessions and choreographed "survivor testimony".

Congrats on escaping the cult though, and joining humanity. Hopefully when you get old you don't revert to the tribalist, super-Jew state of your elder Jews.

by Anonymousreply 27August 1, 2017 5:13 AM

I'm convinced that one reason the Jewish community is pushing massive Muslim immigration on the US is so that the Anti-Defamation League has more "anti-Semitism" to complain about, so that young Jews marry each other in reaction to the threat against Jews.

by Anonymousreply 28August 1, 2017 5:15 AM

I guess when you live in mom's basement and spend your days reading every post on DL to find the J-word, you're able to quickly respond to them.

At least it's gotten over its obsession with Los Angeles real estate.

by Anonymousreply 29August 1, 2017 5:23 AM


by Anonymousreply 30August 1, 2017 5:54 AM

" I don't know any show tunes and I am an elder gay. Neither do most of my friends"

Really? How butch. You win, Mary.

by Anonymousreply 31August 1, 2017 5:58 AM

If "gay culture" is defined by people who are sexually attracted to men, then what you see today as "not being part of said gay culture" actually also is a "gay culture".

The reason being there is no gay culture. Is there a straight culture? The "cultural" groups of gay men are as varied and plentiful as there are personalities.

by Anonymousreply 32August 1, 2017 6:18 AM

I hated the gay culture I found in bars. A bunch of 7th grade girls. I wanted a house in the burbs with a guy in my bed.

Found the guy 25 years ago. We bought the house. Much happier.

by Anonymousreply 33August 1, 2017 9:02 AM

"Does it make you upset todays gaylings avoid gay culture?"

Bullshit supposition so that all the Breitsharty Bros and the Wanna Be Hags who want a pet gay can whine about gay men and post their not so thinly veiled homophobia.

by Anonymousreply 34August 1, 2017 9:06 AM

I think young people in general seem to avoid any sort of culture at all, unless it has something to do with some heavily marketed phenomenon.

by Anonymousreply 35August 1, 2017 9:07 AM

In line with the premise of 'Blackish', perhaps someone should option a sitcom entitled 'Gayish'. Younger generations haven't had to experience the fight their elders had just to exist in safety, let alone reach acceptance and equality. However, I get sick of hearing about things that yes, were horrific, however, times, attitudes and resultedly, a watering down of that ghetto and 'them and us' mentality has been watered down. Surely it's a good thing we can all share the same buses, schools, bars without our race/gender/religion/sexuality being an issue?

by Anonymousreply 36August 1, 2017 9:10 AM

Who gives a shit about what gaylings avoid? I didn't care when I was one and certainly don't now.

by Anonymousreply 37August 1, 2017 10:24 AM

[quote]...gay straight trans etc as long as I like you're personality we're good.

Jesus wept.

by Anonymousreply 38August 1, 2017 10:33 AM

Lawd I was the same way when I was 25. "I'm not just gay! Being gay is just a part of who i am" blah blah blah. It's just a delayed reaction to internalized homophobia. They'll get over it. Meanwhile, more room on Fire Island for me.

by Anonymousreply 39August 1, 2017 10:41 AM

R39 Being gay isn't all who you are. And nobody is denying they're they just don't want gay culture

by Anonymousreply 40August 1, 2017 12:09 PM

I was never apart of it. But I feel like it would have been nice to feel part of a community. People my age and younger tend to be overly critical of every little thing.

by Anonymousreply 41August 1, 2017 12:20 PM


by Anonymousreply 42August 1, 2017 1:02 PM

No, because I don't feel the need of their approval and vice versa. I let them do their thing as I fought for my own mental clarity to do my own thing without caring about others judging me.

by Anonymousreply 43August 1, 2017 1:18 PM

Does it upset you that SOME gaylings, or even MOST gaylings (but not ALL gaylings) avoid gay culture? Fixed it.

I hate generalizations about gay people, or any other kind of people. Very few things are true of every member of a group.

by Anonymousreply 44August 1, 2017 1:24 PM

R44 You have OCD clearly not every single gay person does that. Didn't think that needed to be pointed out

by Anonymousreply 45August 1, 2017 1:33 PM

R44 is a precious snowflake who indulges in unconscious stereotyping 200 times a day. It's human nature. Deal with it.

by Anonymousreply 46August 1, 2017 1:44 PM

I think what you trying to do is fit everything into a neat little box and call it "gay culture" and that's not the way it works. Younger gay people are not going to "get" the references of older gay people. Younger gay people are not going to follow the same customs and traditions as older gay people.

by Anonymousreply 47August 1, 2017 1:50 PM

[quote]The fact is if the gay community was more likable, young gays would want to be more participatory.

Ah, yes, the millennial's cry of "It's your job to entertain me".

Make your own fucking gay culture, babygays.

by Anonymousreply 48August 1, 2017 1:57 PM

OP, what do you consider 'gay culture' or anyone reading this thread. Hanging out in gay clubs every weekend and getting shitfaced? Traveling to gay resorts to get laid AND shitfaced? Trolling smart phone apps for fast hook-ups? Drug cliques and steroid parties? Just what constitutes 'gay culture' these days?

by Anonymousreply 49August 1, 2017 2:08 PM

Most younglings I know are pretty cool about "gay culture"

by Anonymousreply 50August 1, 2017 2:10 PM

R48 It's a cry. This is boring= Why should I care?

by Anonymousreply 51August 1, 2017 2:10 PM

Nah, they'll drop for cock like anyone else, Sick of the LGBTQMOUSE and gay flag overkill too.

by Anonymousreply 52August 1, 2017 2:16 PM

[quote] I was in summer school today (yes I'm a teenager) and we were discussing gay marriage laws (it was a government class) and my teacher was talking about the gay marriage case and mostly everyone voted they agree (surprisingly black guys were the most vocal about it) saying "if someone wants to even marry a fucking dog why is anyone bussiness".

Might want to man up and tell them marrying a dog is NOTHING AT ALL like marrying a man. Oh wait, you're a teen. Maybe wait until you actually have some experience in the world outside of your youtube consumption.

[quot]they just don't want gay culture

If you're gay, you're part of gay cultre. It's really that simple. "Gay culture" is whatever you make it. It's like the prisses who whine about gay pride parades "they don't represent ME!!!!" Well, step up and represent yourself.

by Anonymousreply 53August 1, 2017 2:19 PM

[quote]" I don't know any show tunes

That was only ever 1% of gay populous even back in the day.

by Anonymousreply 54August 1, 2017 2:25 PM

[quote]I was never apart of it.

Then you were always a part of it.

by Anonymousreply 55August 1, 2017 2:29 PM

R53 Unfortunately I'm not an uptight queen so the commentdidn't bother me. Support is support and it was a joke chill out.

"Maybe wait until you actually have some experience in the world outside of your youtube consumption."

Yes because durrr teens use their phones so they must learn everything from the Internet durrrr!!!

"If you're gay, you're part of gay cultre. It's really that simple."

No you aren't. You're just a dude who happens to be gay

by Anonymousreply 56August 1, 2017 2:46 PM


by Anonymousreply 57August 1, 2017 5:01 PM

Oh, how awful and dreadful that as gay men we can now actually legally marry the men we love.

by Anonymousreply 58August 1, 2017 5:12 PM

No, it doesn't. What does annoy me is that gaylings seem to think they invented being gay and that it's really only meant for those 16-29 years old.

by Anonymousreply 59August 1, 2017 5:32 PM

R59, I'm not trying to start anything but you probably acted the same way when you were that age. That's how youth works.

by Anonymousreply 60August 1, 2017 5:34 PM

I didn't. I liked older guys and I longed to learn about gay history and find out where the future of gay culture was.

by Anonymousreply 61August 1, 2017 5:35 PM

Then you were a very rare young man.

by Anonymousreply 62August 1, 2017 5:36 PM

More likely the OP is upset that the gaylings avoid HIM and other elder gays.

by Anonymousreply 63August 1, 2017 5:40 PM

[quote] [R59], I'm not trying to start anything but you probably acted the same way when you were that age. That's how youth works.

Not my youth. My parents drummed it into our heads at a very early age to be respectful and considerate to everyone, of every age, from all walks of life.

by Anonymousreply 64August 1, 2017 5:46 PM

So much animosity towards the young on this board. Pathetic.

by Anonymousreply 65August 1, 2017 7:23 PM

No. Eldergay culture was and is still sex based. A lot of what millennials do is annoying. But I don't have a problem with how they interpret their sexuality. Just respect older gay people. Not that you must have sex with them, bit a little deference would be appreciated.

by Anonymousreply 66August 1, 2017 7:31 PM

[quote] Eldergay culture was and is still sex based.


And present gay culture is not???


Oh, those virginal gaylings!

by Anonymousreply 67August 1, 2017 8:41 PM

R67 If they're virgins how is gayling gay culture about sex?

by Anonymousreply 68August 4, 2017 3:59 AM

I guess I'm a "gayling" (babygay sounds weird) anyway yeah I'm into "gay culture". I like fitting in with my gay AND straight buddies. No need to box myself with "gay culture" and "gay ghetto" when I like to be all inclusive all the time within my social circle

by Anonymousreply 69August 5, 2017 3:42 PM

I couldn't be bothered what they do or don't do.

by Anonymousreply 70August 5, 2017 3:53 PM

I think it's great that masculine men are finding their own niche and identity where they fit in.

by Anonymousreply 71August 5, 2017 3:57 PM

R67: Teenage boys have been sex-obsessed since as long as there have been teenage boys.

by Anonymousreply 72August 5, 2017 4:14 PM


by Anonymousreply 73August 5, 2017 4:16 PM

We are evolving from the outlaw subculture aberrant identity to mainstream

by Anonymousreply 74August 5, 2017 4:17 PM

We were not outlaws by choice, but because of the systemic homophobia of which those laws are a symptom.

by Anonymousreply 75August 5, 2017 4:20 PM

Of course man

by Anonymousreply 76August 5, 2017 4:26 PM

People hang out where they are made to feel comfortable. They avoid places where they are reviled. Gays hung out in gay bars or immersed themselves in the arts because it was what was available to them. Even gays who had limited interest in the arts faked it in order to be part of the culture. Things have changed. No need to do that so much anymore if at all. Healthier in many respects - less need to revert to behaving like 7th grade girls. Not sure how this works in the bible belt though.

by Anonymousreply 77August 5, 2017 4:43 PM

Don’t s start mess, dude

by Anonymousreply 78April 29, 2018 11:40 PM

[quote]Things have changed.

They have?

by Anonymousreply 79April 29, 2018 11:54 PM

"Point is you dont need to be apart of a cult to make friends."

Are you equating being gay with being in a cult?

How many straight people on this thread, I wonder.

by Anonymousreply 80April 30, 2018 12:06 AM

Why would anyone need a culture built around their sexuality? Gay, straight or bisexual. Or why would anyone suggest that your sexuality determines your taste in the arts? It's only what body parts you prefer to see on someone you have sex with. That's it. Nothing else. If you and I prefer the same body parts, it doesn't bring us closer or make us similar.

by Anonymousreply 81April 30, 2018 12:09 AM

I’m glad for the decline in gay identity. It’s time to move to the mainstream

by Anonymousreply 82August 20, 2018 5:26 PM

I never had luck within the gay community. It was like the worst part of high school. Datalounge is as gay as I get these days.

by Anonymousreply 83August 20, 2018 6:06 PM

Gay businesses used to treat their clients like shit.

by Anonymousreply 84August 20, 2018 6:50 PM

Define avoid . It is only natural for them to not engage in gay culture unless they are interested in specific elements , ie. gay politics , identification issues,etc. They all tend to not avoid anything when it comes to seeking sexual partners because in order to do that they either have to mingle in real life or in electronic apps , so there's that.

Now the person who believes that sexuality doesn't play a role in establishing friendships is right to a degree because sexuality is not the main reason you base a friendship on. However it does play a minor part , especially if you share similar experiences in matters that a straight person cannot grasp mainly because he/she didn't have to face them. We don't live in a perfect society, homophobia and hate crimes do still occur and several teens still lose their lives or are subjected to ridicule everyday.

Now as far as the dog comment was concerned, it makes me believe that we might have a troll in our ranks mainly because in several parts of Eastern Europe homosexuality is equated to bestiality and pedophilia not only by rightwing politicians but also parts of the population. Several religious figures-specificaly eastern and russian orthodox ones- have even said that marriages between dogs and men would soon become legal now that gay marriage is allowed .

by Anonymousreply 85August 20, 2018 7:09 PM

I am interested in being stereotypical

by Anonymousreply 86May 2, 2019 5:57 PM

What does that mean, "avoid gay culture"?I have plenty of gay friends, and we hang out on weekends.We hang out with straights too.We don't apply labels to one another, we are who we are and we are all different.Some are attracted to the same sex,some are not.Is it a "culture"?No maybe not.But,its not about avoidance.It is more that we dont need to name our group based on who we like to hook up with.

by Anonymousreply 87May 2, 2019 6:21 PM

I find todays Gaylings beyond boring. No interest in anything besides their own tiny bubble of narcissism. Mention anything that does not affect them personally and you get a blank stare and a flippant " whatever ". Tedious.

by Anonymousreply 88May 2, 2019 6:41 PM


by Anonymousreply 89August 30, 2019 4:16 AM

[quote]I was never apart of it. But I feel like it would have been nice to feel part of a community.

You know what else would be nice?

Knowing the difference between "a part of" and "apart from" which are actually opposites! The word "apart" is NEVER followed by the word "of", if you're tempted to use it, you don't mean apart, you mean "a part". LEARN IT, PLEASE!

by Anonymousreply 90August 30, 2019 5:04 AM

R81 before and still in places where being LGBT is not accepted or legal, there is the idea of safety in numbers. Everyone of that number may not be the same or have the same interests, but if shit goes down, you at least know there are a group of people who aren't going to be trying to kill you or lock you up for who you are. A lot of great art, literature etc... has come from disparate personalities being thrown together by things beyond their control.

It is different now in many places, but I think there is value in knowing where to find your 'own'. For as much as things have gotten better in the US for example - there are still people like the VP who would just as soon LGBT disappear.

Maybe if the word history were substituted for culture people would have a different consideration of the importance. You don't have to be a slave to history (culture) that pre-dates you, but it helps to know why it exists/evolved the way it did. I mean if LGBT people were enfranchised in all societies from the beginning of modern history what would the conversation be now?

by Anonymousreply 91August 30, 2019 5:31 AM

The gaylings and bi-ets and -ettes and nonbinaries and agenderbabes and translxts and all the rest were out in force during LGBTQIA+ month in NYC in June, so at least in one city in the US they are all about connecting with and revitalizing gay (and related) cultures.

by Anonymousreply 92August 30, 2019 5:46 AM

No. I'm too old. I couldn't give a shit. And fuck all that "(and related) cultures" nonsense. Just fuck it.

by Anonymousreply 93August 30, 2019 6:18 AM


by Anonymousreply 94August 30, 2019 10:02 AM


by Anonymousreply 95November 30, 2019 6:32 PM

R27 Holy Shit go fuck yourself to death with a jackhammer.

by Anonymousreply 96November 30, 2019 6:38 PM

R13 absolutely! I do not worship Babs, Judy, Madonna etc. I do not screeeeech whenever "It's raining men comes on". Many of my gay friends tease me (in that condescending, passive aggressive way) that my membership card (rolls eyes) should be taken away! R21 spot on. Being gay is a PART of the whole of me (notice I said WHOLE, not HOLE ;) ).

by Anonymousreply 97November 30, 2019 6:56 PM

Just wait until the straight friends get married and start having kids. Their gay friends will be left behind - but, most friendships trail off in your 30's as careers, being partnered, and not acting like your 20 anymore comes into it.

Most gay men's circle of friends in their 20's and early 30's disperse - most gay men can attest to this. It's part of aging - very very rarely do you stay close with and able to sustain that same group of friends from your 20's.

by Anonymousreply 98November 30, 2019 7:10 PM

R98, nope I’m godfather to three of my straight bros’ kids and have dinner and go to football games with them all the time.. It’s 2020 not 1986.

by Anonymousreply 99November 30, 2019 7:13 PM

Change is good

by Anonymousreply 100February 29, 2020 9:19 PM

WTF the fuck is OP talking about? I'm 28 and almost all my close friends are gay. I know several other gay men like that.

by Anonymousreply 101February 29, 2020 9:24 PM

My 4 closest friends consist of 2 gay guys and 2 straight guys. We've been friends for years. We have many mutual friends as well.

by Anonymousreply 102February 29, 2020 9:28 PM

[quote]R15 There's nothing wrong with having more straight than gay friends. Sexuality is a small part of someone's personality

Frankly, a lot of my fellow gays get on my nerves. Too hysterical, too bitchy, too superficial, too competitive.

My closest friends have always been straight women, or lesbians. I’ve always had a few gay male friends, and our histories go way back, but that’s just a little part of my circle.

by Anonymousreply 103February 29, 2020 9:53 PM

What does OP (or what do any of you) mean by "gay culture"?

Show tunes? Diva worship? 30s and 40s Hollywood movies?

Or do you mean going to gay bars and/or gay resorts?

If you want this argument to mean something, the rest of us have to know what it is that you consider "gay culture."

by Anonymousreply 104March 1, 2020 1:36 AM

OP I don't think you understand what has actually happened.

There have always been different groups of gay men. Some who leaned into their sexuality as a core piece of their identity and some who didn't.

All that has changed from 50 years ago to now is the second group used to marry women and live completely in the closet. Now because of the advances we've made, they are comfortable enough to date and marry men and be openly gay, but still don't consider it a major part of who they are. The first group, that loves going to gay clubs, being around other gay men, taking in gay culture still exists and is doing all those see things, now without the fear of police harassment or violence.

Literally all of us are better off. It wasn't that all gay men used to immerse themselves in gay culture. It was just that all openly gay men did.

by Anonymousreply 105March 2, 2020 1:30 PM

No, I don't blame them. Modern gay culture sucks and places that were originally spaces exclusively for gay men (gay bars, gay clubs, etc) have been taken over by women and trans people. Of course they don't want to participate in gay culture, the scraps of it that are left suck.

by Anonymousreply 106March 2, 2020 1:50 PM

If DL is "the last of gay culture," then It definitely Gets Worse.

by Anonymousreply 107March 2, 2020 1:59 PM

I also think some of what's happening is OP is old and personally doesn't go out to gay clubs so in his mind they no longer don't exist.

Some of you should try it. My go to is Club Cafe in Boston but there are tons. They aren't much different than they ever used to be

by Anonymousreply 108March 2, 2020 2:04 PM

Yep trannys invading gay spaces and claiming to be gay men just because they have a beard and short hair is killing most gay bars. We want dick not clit dick.

by Anonymousreply 109March 2, 2020 2:07 PM

F&F r19 for being a homophobic shitstain.

She clearly has a chip on her shoulder for "we gays" having the audacity to presume equality with her chauvinist ass.

Well I, for one, am DEFINITELY not equal to her ass. Or any of the homophobes who regularly troll DL now.

by Anonymousreply 110March 2, 2020 2:08 PM

I would bet $100 R109 hasn't been to a gay bar, or anywhere besides his mother's basement in 10 years.

by Anonymousreply 111March 2, 2020 2:10 PM

[quote]heterosexuals make for healthier friendships.

Fuck you and the heterosexist myths you rode in on. Straight people are a MESS! Most of them are trash who don't treat each other right, let alone gays!

by Anonymousreply 112March 2, 2020 2:12 PM

I’m in my 50s. Everyone under 30, gay or straight, confounds and amazes me. I’m fully aware that I’m “an old” now. I’m fine with this. When we were their age it was exactly the same, the same as it was for every generation.

No generation is going to invent “the way to be” for all eternity. There will always be new outlooks and attitudes with each new generation, and there will always be a displaced old guard, scratching their heads and complaining.

by Anonymousreply 113March 2, 2020 2:12 PM

Much respect for your self awareness r113. That is rare on this site.

by Anonymousreply 114March 2, 2020 2:17 PM

[quote]surprisingly black guys were the most vocal about it) saying "if someone wants to even marry a fucking dog why is anyone bussiness". Point is people are more accepting now and days so there's no need to worry about having a bunch of gay friends for survival.

So "accepting" they only equated you with a dog, r22!

Yup. Homophobia is OVAH.

by Anonymousreply 115March 2, 2020 2:18 PM

[quote]people are more accepting now and days

[quote] In days*

Oh, dear.

by Anonymousreply 116March 2, 2020 2:20 PM

Gay culture as in calling each other "gurl" and every gay event being a drag show? No, thanks.

by Anonymousreply 117March 2, 2020 2:20 PM

So r25 faults both the blacks and the gays for making civil rights gains, too.

Whether this is the same poster or just another bigoted troll, there's at least one gay basher infecting the thread.

by Anonymousreply 118March 2, 2020 2:25 PM

... AND r27 proves this is a troll thread for right-wing fascists dead=set on erasing any human diversity..


by Anonymousreply 119March 2, 2020 2:29 PM

[quote]r67 If they're virgins how is gayling gay culture about sex?

OH, dear!

by Anonymousreply 120March 2, 2020 2:53 PM

[quote]Why would anyone need a culture built around their sexuality?

Because most people only want to have sexual relations with the OPPOSITE SEX, fuckwad @ r81! We have to meet people and know it's okay with everyone, including strangers, that we want sex with the same gender! We need permission to objectify strangers!

And most straight people are not only repulsed by gay people's desires, and fearful of becoming the objects of them, but they don't even want to associate with us as friends because 1) They think they're better than us 2) They're afraid of what their straight family and friends would think and 3) They're still conditioned by bullshit social codes like religion or sexism that say "real men"aren't gay and they can't do a litany of things!

Gay pride and civil rights victories DON'T ELIMINATE STRAIGHT PRIDE, bigotry and hostility! Just look at the cunts trolling this thread.

by Anonymousreply 121March 2, 2020 3:05 PM

r86 is only interested in gay-bashing.

by Anonymousreply 122March 2, 2020 3:08 PM

Back when I was a young whippersnapper, Senator John Cornyn of the Great State of Texas called gay marriage the same as a man marrying a box turtle!

Thank god we now live in a world where r22 can go to school and only have to worry about the black kids calling him a "fucking dog."

Gay men went from box turtles to dogs. That's progress! Hooray for the breeders! I want to assimilate and be exactly like you!

by Anonymousreply 123March 2, 2020 3:23 PM

I don’t want those flighty New Agey gaylings IN our revered gay culture. Their freshmouth and smart-alecky backtalk are APPALLING!

by Anonymousreply 124March 2, 2020 3:44 PM

[quote]R121 most straight people are not only repulsed by gay people's desires, and fearful of becoming the objects of them, but they don't even want to associate with us as friends

You may consider moving from whatever two bit, backwater town you currently reside in.

by Anonymousreply 125March 2, 2020 3:48 PM

To many of us the "gay" culture is in no way our culture which is closer to the average American "culture". If you think running around at pride in chaps with your ass hanging out and shirtless on the coasts is gay culture then you are mistaking. Most gays do not live on the coasts and we integrate as best as we can. Actually, most people in the US do not live on the coasts for that matter, to the dismay of many of you coastal gays.

by Anonymousreply 126March 2, 2020 3:48 PM

[quote] most straight people are not only repulsed by gay people's desires, and fearful of becoming the objects of them, but they don't even want to associate with us as friends

No idea what people you live around but that's just not true for 80% of gays in my age group. My straight friends push me more for information about my sex life than my gay friends do.

by Anonymousreply 127March 2, 2020 4:03 PM

Once upon a time, gay people congregated out of necessity. There was safety in numbers. Gay culture was created/adopted/adapted in the milieu. As the hetero world has become more accepting (although not as much as people might think), gaylings don't need the security of being with other gay people. They can get it from their heterosexual friends. Regardless of the infighting among themselves, gay groups were united against hetero hostility. And that former sense of unity contained the base of what defined gay "culture".

Gaylings don't need to avoid gay culture. Gay culture is fading away all on its own to the point where gaylings see no relevance to it. Whether that is becoming a good thing or a bad thing, is a personal opinion.

by Anonymousreply 128March 2, 2020 5:29 PM

R121, not where I live. My straight bros are totally cool

by Anonymousreply 129March 2, 2020 5:45 PM

The only place straights are accepting of gays is in big cities, trust me living in small towns and being out and proud is not an option, you'll still get bashed for holding your partners hand in public and or get stared at etc. People living in bubbles makes them think society is changing but it's really not.

by Anonymousreply 130March 2, 2020 6:02 PM

I live in a small (California) town, r130, and do fine.

It probably depends more on if you live in a politically conservative state or not.

by Anonymousreply 131March 2, 2020 6:52 PM

R130 it not just city vs rural. I grew up and currently live in small town New England and people just aren't that way.

by Anonymousreply 132March 2, 2020 6:58 PM


by Anonymousreply 133September 18, 2020 2:32 AM

Gay culture seem to be doing just fine before DL was invented.

by Anonymousreply 134September 18, 2020 6:51 AM


by Anonymousreply 135September 18, 2020 6:51 AM

Assimilation is a good thing

by Anonymousreply 136March 20, 2021 3:15 PM

young people were always cunts

by Anonymousreply 137March 20, 2021 3:17 PM

Gay culture is superficial and try-hard. We are just like Madonna: once setting the trends, then desperately chasing them and now a camp parody of ourselves.

by Anonymousreply 138March 20, 2021 3:26 PM

[quote]Gay culture is superficial and try-hard.

So false.

by Anonymousreply 139March 20, 2021 3:40 PM

Don't they get to have their own culture? I can't imagine someone 20 years old necessarily being interested in Mame, Barbra Streisand, or hanging out in bars until 4 AM. Did we boomers want to replicate the gay experience of the 1930s or '40s when we came out in the '70s?

by Anonymousreply 140March 20, 2021 3:48 PM

[quote] I can't imagine someone 20 years old necessarily being interested in Mame, Barbra Streisand, or hanging out in bars until 4 AM.

Sigh. Oh well.

by Anonymousreply 141March 20, 2021 3:51 PM

OP No. Gay culture fades away when gay rights, marriage and acceptance prevail. One no longer needs to flee to SF or Greenwich Village.

by Anonymousreply 142March 20, 2021 4:01 PM

This is progress

by Anonymousreply 143April 19, 2021 2:00 AM

Well, what's often ignored in these conversations: there are so very many ways to be gay.

by Anonymousreply 144April 19, 2021 2:07 AM

[quote] Not upset, just sad for them. It's important to build gay friendships and a sense of community when you are young.

Why? You still don't realize we're not in the 70s anymore. People don't need to forge gay allies anymore. Mos people under 35 couldn't give a shit about it. I'm im my mid 30s and I've never been part of any gay community. It is girly and annoying, we don't need drag queens or whatever event you want to force on us for the sake of community. We bound over common interests not some stupid notion that all gays need to get along. That makes no sense. It never did.

If the only thing you have in common with someone is your sexual orientation, you're pathetic to begin with and you need a personality.

by Anonymousreply 145April 19, 2021 2:49 AM

r19 can die in a grease fire. It's obviously a right-wing, fundie shitstain and bigot who think something's diminished now that gays have equal opportunities.

Also a moron to think that marriage or greater acceptance caused gay culture or spaces to disappear. Lots of places don't have greater acceptance or a lot of marriage. The internet killed gay culture, mostly.

by Anonymousreply 146April 19, 2021 3:13 AM

Here’s my opinion...

Out with the old. In with the NEW!

by Anonymousreply 147April 19, 2021 3:16 AM

[quote]Out with the old. In with the NEW!

It seems to be going that way - more and more gays are transitioning. I don’t support it, I don’t support politicians who do, but if that’s what people want, that’s what they’ll get. I raise the white flag.

by Anonymousreply 148April 19, 2021 3:42 AM

The new is meeting busted gays, one-at-a-time, with sex expected through dating apps where people can screen each other out and totally manipulate their looks?

If you survive the catfish, you'll be filtered out of many eligible men's radars because you didn't check their box for race, job, neighborhood, sexual position, eye color, income, etc.


by Anonymousreply 149April 19, 2021 6:50 AM

R149 is ugly and fat.

by Anonymousreply 150April 19, 2021 6:56 AM

Pride events will be next to disappear.

by Anonymousreply 151April 19, 2021 7:01 AM

[quite]So much animosity towards the young on this board. Pathetic.

Too true.

I've always disliked the generational divide of older gays demanding attention and respect for all that they suffered, for all that they sacrificed...that's a bit bullshit. Not in that they had everything easy, nor that they did not make contributions, but in the expectation that they world should stop to get onboard their self-appreciation society.

I had the benefit of always having friends and acquaintances who were older and much older than me. I didn't show up with flowers for their sacrifices and they didn't point me to a chair and immediately commence a telling of the Old Stories. We built our relationships and our respect bit by bit as we learned about each other. They weren't oral history interviews, they were friendships that formed (and sometimes didn't, just people with whom I spent a dinner party.)

Now I'm the age or older of some of those men (and happily women, too) but still a couple decades younger than the octogenarian of my friends that I had in my 20s.

In my 20s I thought I might live forever in a series of gay ghettos, weekly trips to see the new titles at the gay bookshops, gay lectures and speaker series, I thought gay pride events would be highlights of the summer, that I would know all the gay hotels in other gay ghettos, eat at gay restaurants, tick off a huge list of gay bars around the world, gay beaches, gay doctors, gay lawyers, gay plumbers, etc.

I did many of those things and yet over time my world didn't turn out so very intensely gay. And I'm happy with how it did. My straight friends are not adornments (nor vice versa); I live in a place where gays and lesbians have visibility as a part of (not apart from) daily life, where you encounter other gays and lesbians out in the open air (not in windowless gay bars with a buzzer to enter), not just on "the gay street.".

A lot of the whining about "gaylings" (give them a frivolous name and they will rise to the occasion?) seems misplaced self-pity about not having a foot in the present but both feet planted in the cement of memories of a rosy hued past.

by Anonymousreply 152April 19, 2021 7:57 AM

The 'gay culture' I'm aware of in 2021 consists of non stop unprotected anal sex and forgetting to take your HIV meds because you're too tweaked from that IV hit from an hour ago...

by Anonymousreply 153April 19, 2021 12:37 PM

Please explain WTF gay culture is.

by Anonymousreply 154April 19, 2021 9:46 PM

Trans ^.

by Anonymousreply 155April 19, 2021 9:49 PM

Nope. It’s progress. A lot that old “culture” is annoying crap

by Anonymousreply 156August 7, 2021 4:28 PM

OP = Boris the Nazi Incel just trying to bash the gays again. Same old homophobia and conformity to heterosexism right wingers have always demanded.

OP thinks the bigots and rednecks he has to "Ex Gay Repair Therapy" for will someday accept him. Like they'll want their daughters and sisters to marry his closeted, self-loathing, girly ass.

Sucks to be the OP.

by Anonymousreply 157August 7, 2021 4:47 PM

80% of this thread is just Boris the Nazi Incel, himself "too tweaked from that IV hit from an hour ago," who keeps bumping this FOUR-YEAR-OLD THREAD to repeat the same homophobic, gay-bashing insults ad nauseam that have always been a part of his — and right-wingers' — agendas.

OP, the Christian Right and the redneck trash the OP sucks up to want the complete eradication of gay people, heteronormativity, mindless conformity and being exactly identical to each stupid, bigoted, uneducated, redneck straight male around you while you all worship football like trash morons. You want everybody to be carbon copy clones tightly controlled by and paying into corrupt, illegitimate authorities like the Catholic Church and the Republican Party, behaving like good, little Nazis and corporate slugs. Perfectly predictable, inoffensive to your redneck snowflake sensibilities and obedient to your warped, anti-social comfort zone.

Gays aren't allowed to like Broadway musicals or Madonna — they have to eradicate all of that for the comfort of straight, male bigots and the pathetic suckups like the OP deluded into thinking they're equal and are treated equally or ever will be. OP pretends that to be a right-winger or straight, redneck male isn't to get one's jollies off by dissing and denigrating every, other type of person — exactly the way the OP is doing.

Why shouldn't dumbfuck "Normals" give up American football instead? There's no fucking point to it and those troglodytes in the NFL are giving each other brain damage!! I'm supposed to admire and conform to that shit?

AIDS = BAD, But EARLY DEATH AND LIFE-LONG MENTAL ILLNESS FROM BRAIN DAMAGE = GOOD in the OP's deranged mind. Not to mention all the meth and opioid addictions the vast swaths of white, Christian, Republican red-staters pig out on. Then there's Donald Trump's litany of crime, alcohol, drugs, illicit sex, family brothel fortune, Russian mafia dealings, porn, smut, syphilis, general filth and porn star First Lady "the Normals" all support.

GO FUCK YOURSELF, r153 / r152 / r145 / OP / 80% of this thread, talking to yourself and bumping FOUR-YEAR-OLD TROLL BAIT to start a fight with no new information or cause.

You're wrong, you're homophobic, you DON'T speak for most Millennials or younger gays and they support progressive politics rather than the corruption, conformity and Christian worship you support between meth clouds.

There was no teenager, no classroom and no black guys marrying dogs. That's just OP's form of erotica authored by the OP himself.

You don't have "friends," much less "2 straight guys and 2 gay guys." You are on DL all day trolling, gay-bashing, spreading homophobia and right-wing propaganda, which means you don't have friends OR a real job.

Smart and decent people have always pursued an interest in history, including "the 1930s and 1940s." You're just saying you're an ignorant pig with no respect for Elder OR Younger gays who are RADICALLY DIFFERENT than your basement-dwelling, right-wing peasant, incel ass.

Trans are no big deal but they're 1,000 times more interesting and entertaining than you.


by Anonymousreply 158August 7, 2021 6:30 PM

First of all, WTF is "gay culture"?

by Anonymousreply 159August 7, 2021 7:25 PM

[quote] Pride events will be next to disappear.

So the fuck what? I went to the parade the first year I lived in SF (1986) and never went again.

Pride, in San Francisco at least, seemed to attract trash.

by Anonymousreply 160August 7, 2021 7:29 PM

Opting out of that culture is healthy

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 161November 15, 2021 11:55 PM

People who use the term “gayl*ngs” should be arrested 🙄

by Anonymousreply 162August 23, 2022 11:49 AM
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