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The New Yorker examines how fucked up things have become at Oberlin College because of SJWs and political correctness

"The movement quickly fizzled. [Student leader Magan Bautista] explained, “A lot of people here are the first in their families, or in the position where they really have to be the breadwinners as soon as they graduate.” They didn’t have the luxury of hours for unpaid activism. Protest surged again in the fall of 2014, after the killing of Tamir Rice. “A lot of us worked alongside community members in Cleveland who were protesting. But we needed to organize on campus as well—it wasn’t sustainable to keep driving forty minutes away. A lot of us started suffering academically.” In 1970, Oberlin had modified its grading standards to accommodate activism around the Vietnam War and the Kent State shootings, and Bautista had hoped for something similar. More than thirteen hundred students signed a petition calling for the college to eliminate any grade lower than a C for the semester, but to no avail. “Students felt really unsupported in their endeavors to engage with the world outside Oberlin,” she told me.

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by Anonymousreply 119June 15, 2019 1:20 PM

And Oberlin invented PC...

by Anonymousreply 1May 23, 2016 5:52 AM

"[Student Zakiya] Acey..... thinks professors often hide their racial biases. “But they’ll vote in a way that does not benefit the students,” he says. “Like, the way the courses are set up. You know, we’re paying for a service. We’re paying for our attendance here. We need to be able to get what we need in a way that we can actually consume it.” He pauses. “Because I’m dealing with having been arrested on campus, or having to deal with the things that my family are going through because of larger systems—having to deal with all of that, I can’t [italic]produce[/italic] the work that they want me to do. But I understand the material, and I can give it to you in different ways. There’s professors who have openly been, like, ‘Yeah, instead of, you know, writing out this midterm, come in to my office hours, and you can just speak it,’ right? But that’s not institutionalized. I have to [italic]find[/italic] that professor.”

by Anonymousreply 2May 23, 2016 5:54 AM

‘Yeah, instead of, you know, coming in and speaking it during my office hours, you can just stay home and think about the material.' But that’s not institutionalized.....yet. I have to find [italic]that[/italic] professor.

by Anonymousreply 3May 23, 2016 6:02 AM

"There were negative responses to the fifty demands (which included a request for an $8.20-an-hour activism wage, the firing of nine Oberlin employees deemed insufficiently supportive of black students, and the tenuring of black faculty)."

How entitled can these students be?

by Anonymousreply 4May 23, 2016 6:15 AM

Omigod, were kids so coddled growing up that they are unwilling to speak to a professor who willing to accept a discussion in lieu of taking a midterm? What am I missing? Jesus, hearing shit like this makes me wish for another Great Depression or WWII, give all of us a healthy dose of sacrifice and perspective.

by Anonymousreply 5May 23, 2016 6:16 AM

"Zakiya Acey furrows his brow. “The argument [against the student demands] was ‘Oh, so students ask for this, but it’s not legal,’ ” he says. “But it’s what I [italic]need.[/italic] And it’s what this country needs, and it’s my country. That’s the whole point. We’re asking—”"

by Anonymousreply 6May 23, 2016 6:17 AM

College is wasted on people who don't understand that they're supposed to actually learn stuff while they're there, you know, the things they teach in the classes?

College is not just a lifestyle choice!

by Anonymousreply 7May 23, 2016 6:24 AM

The young have always been annoying to the previous generation, that annoyance is magnified today by social media. In any case the young will soon have control of the world and are at liberty to ruin in whatever way they see fit, then pass it reluctantly to the next generation to repeat the process, such is life.

by Anonymousreply 8May 23, 2016 6:26 AM

Half of those kids in the article will be saddled with so much private school loans that they will have to do average middle class work to pay it off, keeping them from obtaining any kind of important seat of (low paid) power. and as much as they want to include the world in their curriculum, they just as much ignore the reality that globalization doesn't give a fuck about your feelings, or if you were "oppressed or microaggressed upon)

by Anonymousreply 9May 23, 2016 6:41 AM

This gives new meaning to the old saying: "For THIS I went to college?"

by Anonymousreply 10May 23, 2016 6:44 AM

[quote] that annoyance is magnified today by social media.

True, but I think that social media encourages a lot more grandstanding. I remember there being issues that came up when I was in college and we handled it internally. Somehow it felt urgent and important to us, but it was also very self-contained. Now students are basically broadcasting their fights to the world and if it picks up some attention, it's suddenly not just about their campus, but proving a bigger point to a wider audience. I think a lot of ego comes in and they see themselves as very important because x number of people on twitter retweeted whatever they said about smashing this supremacy and decolonizing that.

I've been watching some crazy stuff unfold at my alma mater and while I fully believe they have legitimate grievances, they talk about how they're "barely surviving this genocide" (actual quote--I did not make that up!) and "racial violence" is being committed all over the place (words they don't like count as violence) and apparently everyone is being raped. And when alumns have stepped forward wanting to help, but ask for clear discussion and concrete information the students freak out.

by Anonymousreply 11May 23, 2016 6:54 AM

[quote][bold]More than thirteen hundred students signed a petition calling for the college to eliminate any grade lower than a C for the semester, but to no avail. “Students felt really unsupported in their endeavors to engage with the world outside Oberlin,” she told me. [/bold]


They wanted the college to not be allowed to give them anything lower than a C!


Those delusional turds! These demands are obnoxious!

by Anonymousreply 12May 23, 2016 7:03 AM

Meanwhile in China, the students against whom Mr. Acey will be competing one day are hard at work composing outraged Tumblr posts about feeling microaggressed and marginalized by leaky xiao long bao in the cafeteria.

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by Anonymousreply 13May 23, 2016 7:10 AM

Why are America's universities turning into trigglypuff factories?

by Anonymousreply 14May 23, 2016 7:43 AM

College costs so much today, and students like Zakiya Acey feel like for all that money, they'd better get exactly the customer service they demand (even though most of them are not even paying full rides). They feel they are being sold this bill of goods of living in a paradise for four years in order to one day make the world more like that fantasy, and then they see when they go through these places that their fantasies of how the world works, even in these little beautiful collegiate bubbles, are just that, fantasies. Acey's complaint that the administration cannot gives him what he asserts he "needs" because they say it's not legal underscores this exactly. He's been led down the garden path (probably both by himself and by the college) that Oberlin was going to be the place where the universe would bow down to his wishes, and where he got to determine what is right and what is wrong for everyone else--but not even colleges work that way.

by Anonymousreply 15May 23, 2016 8:21 AM

But are they learning useful things like foreign languages and logic and critical thinking?

by Anonymousreply 16May 23, 2016 8:39 AM

Some of us saw this coming more than a decade ago and tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen.

by Anonymousreply 17May 23, 2016 8:49 AM

Who do you mean by "you," r17?

by Anonymousreply 18May 23, 2016 3:25 PM

[quote]This spring, at Oberlin, I tracked down Cyrus Eosphoros, the student who’d worried about the triggering effects of “Antigone.” ...Eosphoros is a trans man. He was educated in Mexico, walks with crutches, and suffers from A.D.H.D. and bipolar disorder. (He’d lately been on suicide watch.)

I came a little.

by Anonymousreply 19May 23, 2016 3:44 PM

[quote] They wanted the college to not be allowed to give them anything lower than a C!


But Oberlin had done that before, back in the Vietnam era. They just wanted the same thing their hippie Boomer parents got... with an $8.20/hour wage on top of it, of course.

by Anonymousreply 20May 23, 2016 4:18 PM

I've been a proud and loud mouthed leftie my whole life but I fucking hate SJWs. They think creating a 24 hour outrage shitstorm on twitter is changing the world.

Fuck them and the parents who are responsible for raising them. They do as much harm to progressive politics in this country as teabaggers,

by Anonymousreply 21May 23, 2016 4:49 PM

R21 - fellow liberal here, and I totally agree.

by Anonymousreply 22May 23, 2016 5:12 PM

They don't have these issues with STEM students.

by Anonymousreply 23May 23, 2016 5:12 PM

I wish Anonymous would torpedo Twitter

by Anonymousreply 24May 23, 2016 5:13 PM

Prepare to cum a lot, r19...

Cyrus Alexander Eosphoros

aka chrysopoetics. He/his. Trans, queer. 1st-person industrial complex shill. Profoundly disabled. White Mexican stranded in Oberlin.

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by Anonymousreply 25May 23, 2016 5:20 PM

I am trying to understand the "paid activism". I realize organizations like Greenpeace will pay "activists" to knock on doors for a % of money gathered, but at a college protesting what? Microaggressions? Do these people really want to trust activists being paid by the "institution"? Wouldn't that make them compromised?

by Anonymousreply 26May 23, 2016 5:25 PM

[quote]They don't have these issues with STEM students.

No, nor will they. If you take on that set of studies, you're going to be a hermit for the next 5-6 years and will barely find time to eat and sleep. Maybe all of these "delicate flowers" need to be dropped into the first year of an engineering program. If they flunk out, too bad for them.

None of these useless fuckers is going to get a JOB anywhere outside of Starbucks or a fast food joint. The HR people will take one look at them, see their bullshit degrees/"activism" and pass. In 5-10 years expect to hear a bunch of crying about how these idiots "can't get a job! My degree is worthless!" and blaming the college.


by Anonymousreply 27May 23, 2016 5:37 PM

[quote]I don’t usually think in words, let alone full English sentences. This time around, it hit me with a startling clarity: “Cis people cannot be reasoned with.”

As always, there are links to donation sites at the bottom. The Patreon bio:

I sit at the intersection of a lot of shit going down and I yell about it. I talk a lot on Twitter, but I want to do more with my ideas than that. So here's how the math works: You give me money, I output essays.

My name's Cyrus Alexander Eosphoros. Here's my adjectives: I'm a queer, ace trans man from a mountain chain rising out of the ocean in Mexico, now a white Mexican immigrant stranded in Ohio by circumstance and causality. I'm multiply physically and mentally disabled, and chronically and mentally ill. I'm into justice, Weird Ethics, constantly forgetting to get an eraser when I draw, Magic: the Gathering, musical theater, and old memes.

Also, I have opinions about corn, stan for Thrasymachus, hate Plato, spent my early adolescence in a fanfiction critique community based in politics and murder... and more.

You want to know more, right?

10 out of 10 of my fingers recommend you finance my ability to tell you more.

(For ideas of what more looks like, check out my tweetstorms and opinions column: you can be the carmot that transmutes the former into the latter, but with the ability to say 'fuck' in!)

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by Anonymousreply 28May 23, 2016 5:37 PM

The irony is that, once these special little snowflakes get out of college, if they ever do, they will demand xenophobia because they will find themselves unable to compete in a globalized marketplace

by Anonymousreply 29May 23, 2016 5:37 PM

I've always thought of Oberlin as Ground Zero of SJW.

by Anonymousreply 30May 23, 2016 5:38 PM

R21 Amen. Sometimes I feel like these clowns must be getting paid by some right wing conspiracy aiming to make the left look as bad as possible. They are doing such a great job at it. It's unbelievable. They are turning serious issues into a complete joke.

by Anonymousreply 31May 23, 2016 5:42 PM

[quote]now a white Mexican immigrant stranded in Ohio by circumstance and causality.

This is a pattern I have noticed, with, among others, DL Fave Chrysanthemum Tran, that even though they have, by choice, selected these privileged institutions which are very competitive to get into, they depict themselves as victims who are "stranded" or "exiled" there by fate

I want to hit them with my car.

by Anonymousreply 32May 23, 2016 5:43 PM

[quote]aka chrysopoetics

Why are they all named Chrys? Now that this usurper has come along, will the delicate Tran blossom be forced to change to Chrysospokenword? It's just not fair.

by Anonymousreply 33May 23, 2016 5:48 PM

I can't even, r28.

And if you find a place, r32, I'll THROW them in front of your car. But you'd better have a big car because there are a LEGION of these idiots.

by Anonymousreply 34May 23, 2016 5:49 PM

And this sums up the Sanders campaign...the entitled children followers. I'm also sick of hearing their parents brag about their kids saying they are "bisexual" and how great it is. Talk to me after your kid spends the night with a dick up his ass or her head between another girls' knees. All in the name of being faux inclusive. Gag.

by Anonymousreply 35May 23, 2016 5:54 PM

At least my niece had the good sense of dropping out of her outrageously expensive private school (Junior year mid semester, too late to get any tuition refunded) to devote herself full time to the Sanders campaign and to protest fracking. I have no idea how she supports herself but she travels with a group of likeminded people. If I was still speaking to her I would ask her if they are paid activists.

by Anonymousreply 36May 23, 2016 6:04 PM

R33, my guess is that it stems from the word chrysalis. Which among its meanings is: a preparatory or transitional state.

by Anonymousreply 37May 23, 2016 6:08 PM

R36...so sorry. Her poor folks.

by Anonymousreply 38May 23, 2016 6:08 PM

Paid activism on campus...

School serves banh mi on a bolillo roll; allies are triggered on behalf of Vietnamese STEM students who will never know or care that any of this ever happened; lunch lady is given 15 minutes to replace the offending roll with the proper colonialist baguette; students don't see the irony; lunch lady can't make baguettes materialize in time; allies take to social media; anxiety attacks and histrionics spread like wildfire on Tumblr and the ensuing protests fuck up lunch for everyone for the next week; students are paid for this.

Meanwhile, the same allies are suffering crippling anxiety wondering if their actions could be construed as marginalizing and triggering to Mexican students; bolillo rolls are equal to baguettes; equal, but different; confusion ensues; mediated discourse is arranged and a day of unity and healing is held; students are paid to attend.

The protesting students didn't bother showing up for finals because the injustice of the Bolillo-Baguette Incident was Literally. Killing. Them; told they are in danger of failing, anxiety and histrionics break out; paid protests ensue.

The following semester, not wanting a repeat, banh mi is served on a baguette; samples are sent out for analysis; the baguettes are made with 100% wheat flour, not the mixture of wheat and rice flour used in Vietnamese baguettes; lunch lady is given 15 minutes to switch to wheat/rice baguettes; lunch lady can't make them materialize in time; allies take to social media; anxiety attacks and histrionics spread like wildfire on Tumblr and the ensuing protests fuck up lunch for everyone for the next week; students are paid for this.

by Anonymousreply 39May 23, 2016 6:30 PM

That's insane, R39.

by Anonymousreply 40May 23, 2016 6:41 PM

So did the University pay the protestors, R39? I still don't understand who and how protestors are being paid.

by Anonymousreply 41May 23, 2016 6:42 PM

Don't drag my name into this shitstorm.

by Anonymousreply 42May 23, 2016 7:43 PM

[quote] But Oberlin had done that before, back in the Vietnam era.

Colleges did all sorts of stupid things in the Vietnam era.

That doesn't mean they have to do them again.

by Anonymousreply 43May 23, 2016 10:18 PM

r19 he (?) identities as Jewish now too:

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by Anonymousreply 44June 13, 2019 8:32 AM

r44 is surely a trust funder.

by Anonymousreply 45June 13, 2019 8:39 AM

[quote] So did the University pay the protestors, [R39]

Not r39 but isn't it explicitly shown they were "paid" with extra academic credit ?

by Anonymousreply 46June 13, 2019 8:58 AM

This thread is over 3 years old and was bumped by a guy who is Very Concerned About A Jew, as so many of our current trolls are.

by Anonymousreply 47June 13, 2019 9:26 AM

Actually, no, r47, try again.

This thread was linked on the current Oberlin thread and so I read through it. And then I thought, "Hmmm ... I wonder what this recent Oberlin grad is up to?", found his twitter and also found it amusing that "Jewish" had been added to the ever-growing list of identities.

by Anonymousreply 48June 13, 2019 10:18 AM

When and where I went to college, there was no activism at all. People learned a lot and had a good time. Most of the people who were there when I was there have been very successful.

by Anonymousreply 49June 13, 2019 11:21 AM

[quote] that annoyance is magnified today by social media.

[quote] True, but I think that social media encourages a lot more grandstanding. I remember there being issues that came up when I was in college and we handled it internally. Somehow it felt urgent and important to us, but it was also very self-contained. Now students are basically broadcasting their fights to the world and if it picks up some attention, it's suddenly not just about their campus, but proving a bigger point to a wider audience.

How is that any different than threatening to go the press and cause a big public image problem? That sort of grandstanding always existed even for companies when they rather preferred to settle things privately / out of court than let it go out of hand and become a PR nightmare.

by Anonymousreply 50June 13, 2019 12:21 PM

That article is disappointing. I'm more interested in how the Comparative American Studies department and specific professors and administrators made this turn possible. The article is just a collection of interviews with professors and students on both sides of the divide. It doesn't really offer an explanation. It seems to say that this moment is responsible for this movement, but that's not insightful at all.

by Anonymousreply 51June 13, 2019 12:55 PM

F.or the New Yorker to run this is quite a feat.

by Anonymousreply 52June 13, 2019 2:50 PM

The problem is that none of these students can hack it academically.

Full stop.

by Anonymousreply 53June 13, 2019 3:16 PM

" “A lot of people here are the first in their families, or in the position where they really have to be the breadwinners as soon as they graduate.” They didn’t have the luxury of hours for unpaid activism."

Has anyone in the upper levels of the Oberlin administration EVER addressed the issue of preparing these kids for the realities of the job market since this article was written?

Like that kid who thinks he should be allowed oral exams because he understands the material and hasn't had time to write it as asked, he should have been told that no employer in the world will put up with that and that writing quickly and fluently is a job skill he's going to need. I've known people whose jobs involved writing 50-100 pages of reports in a single DAY, and these weren't academics. Lots of these kids in liberal arts programs are thinking teaching or academia, are these idiots seriously letting the kids think they can be employed in academia without top-flight writing skills?

A degree from that place has got to be worth less than one from an online university.

by Anonymousreply 54June 13, 2019 6:19 PM

r54 as an academic, I can tell you that many academics are poor writers.

by Anonymousreply 55June 13, 2019 6:23 PM

"I can’t produce the work that they want me to do. "

(translation) A racist cop ate my homework.

by Anonymousreply 56June 13, 2019 6:31 PM

"A degree from that place has got to be worth less than one from an online university."

Funny how freepers say shit like that, when most of them go to joke schools like Ole Miss

by Anonymousreply 57June 13, 2019 6:33 PM


Hay-making from Datalounge's Republican Propaganda Troll.


by Anonymousreply 58June 13, 2019 6:40 PM

Really, r58?

by Anonymousreply 59June 13, 2019 7:23 PM

I make up my own mind about what I want to read. I don't need you do do it for me, r58.

You like censorship? Okay: BLOCKED.

by Anonymousreply 60June 13, 2019 7:51 PM

I'm always at a loss to figure out how these people survive in the real world after college. It must be nothing but living off their "disabilities" (a thrown-about word which really infuriates me since I had a grandfather who had the use of only one arm and an aunt and uncle who were both deaf and all three of them coped and worked full-time jobs) as well as being "paid" by crowdfunding and other people's money.

by Anonymousreply 61June 13, 2019 8:08 PM

r61, I looked up most of them idly on the Internet. Some of the ones I found are doing grassroots organizing jobs for peanuts in Cleveland and other Ohioan or Eastern cities.

Cyrus Eosphoros (what could possibly be xir birthname? I am sure it is something incredibly quotidian, like "Mildred Plotka") has a job at some sort of Internet job (???) in Seattle.

by Anonymousreply 62June 13, 2019 8:16 PM

My favorite thing about the article is how some of the student protestors expected to be paid by the college for their activism!

by Anonymousreply 63June 13, 2019 8:18 PM

I realize this is a rather extreme example, but a woman I tangentially know (she is "non-binary" now I guess) went to an Oberlin-adjacent school and then stayed in higher ed. She's currently getting her PhD in gender studies. And she has the most incredible victim-complex.

On Twitter, she'll post things like "When I wear my binder, I'm subjected to violence and prejudice. But when I don't where it I suffer from deep depression. MY LIFE IS SO HARD." Her level of self-involvement is off the charts. Who the fuck cares, or even notices, you wear a binder? No one, sweetie.

by Anonymousreply 64June 13, 2019 8:19 PM

Gertrude Slojinski, r62

by Anonymousreply 65June 13, 2019 8:21 PM

THE NEW YORKER helped me tremendously in my quest for more Gap In-Store Playlist when it profiled me two years ago!

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by Anonymousreply 66June 13, 2019 8:34 PM

We had someone fresh out of college interview for an entry level position at my company a few months ago. The person was clearly what the kids call "assigned female at birth" but stressed on their resume that they were gender non-binary and only answered to ze/zim pronouns. They seemed qualified otherwise and my company is pretty liberal, so we asked for an interview, and the gender thing came up three times in a fifteen minute interview. In fact, the person could not seem to stop talking about themselves and barely answered any of the interview questions, almost like it was an annoying interruption to their oversharing about gender and sexuality.

We ultimately went with someone else.

by Anonymousreply 67June 13, 2019 8:40 PM

r67 Honestly, what were you expecting? Have you EVER met anyone who highlighted gender like that (e.g. has their preferred pronouns in their twitter bio--especially if those pronouns are obvious as in a clearly male with "he/him") that DIDN'T go on to inject it into everything? That you even entertained the idea that a person like that might be a "good fit" is strange!

r63 That was in the Evergreen protester demands too, that they receive not only college credit(!) for protesting, but also a stipend. Is this the "allowance generation" effect?

by Anonymousreply 68June 13, 2019 8:54 PM

It's all so exhausting.

by Anonymousreply 69June 13, 2019 9:13 PM

They deserve reparations.......... only the black ones we mean.

by Anonymousreply 70June 13, 2019 9:19 PM

Eosphoros looks unemployed--if you look at its experience, it's mostly bits and pieces of things for Oberlin. I guarantee that it's not getting paid as a contributing writer to The Oberlin Review.

Nobody likes high-maintenance employees, sometimes they have the kind of skills or talent that makes it necessary to put up with the maintenance levels, but otherwise, the job is always going to go to someone who will just do the work.

A lot of them seem to be trying to make it as writers--but, again, the high-maintenance factor gets in the way of getting jobs that pay well.

by Anonymousreply 71June 13, 2019 10:00 PM

I know one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but Eosphoros looks like a horrible person.

by Anonymousreply 72June 13, 2019 11:28 PM

When I was still a college professor (I left academia) I remember the career services office told us that employers' number one complaint is that they have to teach new hires the basics of email and writing. Kids show up at college shockingly unprepared, and college professors aren't in the business of preparing students for the job market. The SJW stuff is a monster created by administrators who come out of soft departments like Comparative American Studies. It's a big messy problem.

by Anonymousreply 73June 13, 2019 11:35 PM

R73, Word about that seems to be getting out at some colleges. Northwestern's freshmen prep package includes a lengthy section on how to write an e-mail to a professor (no first names unless the professor signs that way.) Women's colleges used to teach etiquette, maybe we'll see the return of that, which would be more than a little ironic.

by Anonymousreply 74June 14, 2019 3:30 AM

You're farts are so funny. Berkeley, Columbia and scores of other colleges had students take over or attempt to take over university offices:buildings.

Students who were planning to set off bombs at Columbia University & Fort Dix blew themselves up.

San Francisco State University was shut down for 6 months. Students in Boston staged a hunger strike. City University of New York was forced to drop admission requirements.

This is peanuts compared to previous generations who robbed banks to fund their "revolution."

by Anonymousreply 75June 14, 2019 4:09 AM

[quote] are these idiots seriously letting the kids think they can be employed in academia without top-flight writing skills?

You absolutely can if you are in employed in the diversity or student affairs areas.

by Anonymousreply 76June 14, 2019 4:15 AM

"...and college professors aren't in the business of preparing students for the job market."

Yes they are, whether they like it or not.

by Anonymousreply 77June 14, 2019 5:39 AM

[quote]My name's Cyrus Alexander Eosphoros. Here's my adjectives:

STOP right there!

by Anonymousreply 78June 14, 2019 6:17 AM

[quote] You're farts are so funny.

Oh, [itallic]dear.[/italic]

by Anonymousreply 79June 14, 2019 6:32 AM

R75, colleges weren't getting sued and getting $33 million judgments against them. Also, college wasn't a $250,000 investment, so students screwing up wasn't as big a deal to the parents paying the bill.

It's not the students acting up that's the issue here, it's the idiocy of Oberlin administrtors--Raimundo and co. failed to protect the school.

by Anonymousreply 80June 14, 2019 6:35 AM

A lesbian teachers assistant is under attack at UC Santa Barbara for having the temerity to voice on Twitter her belief that humans are sexually dimorphic, and that many women don't choose prostitution willingly.

Oh, and for being White. The temerity!

According to a tweet, some professors and staff have joined the pile on. It looks like the administration at UCSB is gonna cave to the Gender Warriors.

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by Anonymousreply 81June 14, 2019 7:32 AM

"A lesbian teachers assistant is under attack at UC Santa Barbara for having the temerity to voice on Twitter her belief that humans are sexually dimorphic..."

Do those SJW nitwits realize they're doing exactly what the far-right Christian lunatic fringe is doing - attacking science because it tells them things they don't want to hear? Of course they don't.

by Anonymousreply 82June 14, 2019 7:45 AM

Surely the Eosphorus person is a parody. Holy Christ.

by Anonymousreply 83June 14, 2019 7:56 AM

I read the twitter comments about the Santa Barbara TA and it's just insane. However looking up the lady I've got a hunch she gladly would be part of the war-party against someone else's's through-crimes.


M.A. Feminist Studies, UC Santa Barbara, 2015

H.B.A, Women's Studies, Oregon State, 2013


Intersections of class and economic status, race and gender within lived experiences of mothering; poverty and social assistance programs; reproductive justice in childbearing and parenting; the impacts of mothering on women's agency; interpersonal violence. Courses Designed and Taught:

FEMST 20 Gender and Power: Introduction to Feminist Studies

FEMST130 Perspectives in Women's Health: Reproductive Justice in the U.S.

Graduate Teaching Assistant:

FEMST 20 Gender and Power: Introduction to Feminist Studies

FEMST 50 Global Feminisms and Social Justice

FEMST 80 Intro to LGBTQ Studies

FEMST 150 Sex, Love, and Romance

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by Anonymousreply 84June 14, 2019 8:00 AM

Eosphorus has a trans guy fiancé too judging by his Twitter. It’s sad how far lesbians go to not be lesbians these days.

For the above comment, my Patreon will be terminated and I will be obliged to rely on the job I’m stranded in, etc.

by Anonymousreply 85June 14, 2019 8:06 AM

[quote]The young have always been annoying to the previous generation, that annoyance is magnified today by social media. In any case the young will soon have control of the world and are at liberty to ruin in whatever way they see fit, then pass it reluctantly to the next generation to repeat the process, such is life.

It's funny that you believe these freaks own the future. They are relatively few and far out of the mainstream. Most will be unemployed, homeless and dependent on the state for their survival. They in no way represent the majority of young people who are ambitious, hard working ......and NORMAL.

by Anonymousreply 86June 14, 2019 9:00 AM

I think a few things separate today's college students from those of the late 1960s/early 1970s:

1. Students then worked hard to get rid of in parentis loco, which had ruled the day at colleges. They were tired of being infantilized. At today's universities, in parentis loco has returned with a vengeance. Anyone who works on a college campus can attest to this.

2. This previous generation had Vietnam. It impacted their lives (and members of their generation) in real, and dire, ways. At least domestically, Iraq and Afghanistan were no Vietnam. And these earlier students were protesting on the heals on the Civil Rights Movement--one of the most successful social movements in US history. Sorry, but the issues facing the trans community do not compare with what black Americans faced in the South in 1960.

3. This did change a bit as time went on, but for the most part, the protest movements of the 1960s had tangible, sustainable goals. "Decolonize the university" is not a real, tangible goal. "Owning your white privilege" does not really change anything. Stating your pronouns at the beginning of a meeting ... meaningless, really. It's all quietism, in one form or another. If these kids really wanted to enact social change, they would work very hard as undergraduates, get top grades, gain admittance to a top law school, and then change things through legal channels.

All that said, many of the 1960s activist students were probably, by the mid to late 1970s, married, living in the suburbs with kids, and voting Republican.

by Anonymousreply 87June 14, 2019 9:31 AM

[quote]And these earlier students were protesting on the heals on the Civil Rights Movement

Oh dear, myself

by Anonymousreply 88June 14, 2019 9:34 AM

^ lol. It's a surface wound, it'll quickly heel.

by Anonymousreply 89June 14, 2019 10:50 AM

Lol r89

by Anonymousreply 90June 14, 2019 12:09 PM

R2 is the stupid entitlement of so many students these days.

They think they are paying for a degree and therefore should get the grades and experience they want in exchange for the MONEY, not the effort.

by Anonymousreply 91June 14, 2019 12:35 PM

Vivian Vance, I loved your comments.

R86, I agree. They’re noisy and they have managed to hijack the discussion. But as far as practical matters go, they’re somewhat inconsequential. Nothing is going to fundamentally change the way the world works. Things have to be DONE, not discussed. So when it comes time to make their way in the world, they’re going to be tantruming in the middle of the road, with everyone walking around them, or stepping over them. As one does when encountering a toddler having a meltdown in the supermarket.

by Anonymousreply 92June 14, 2019 1:26 PM

Why thank you, r92!

by Anonymousreply 93June 14, 2019 1:31 PM

Okay Gramps at r86, thanks for weighing in.

Plenty of "irritating" and "abnormal" people in our history went on to change the culture and the world for the better. And plenty of the "normal" kids went on to be some of the worst things that ever happened to humankind. If you'd ever read a book or had any interest in history, you'd know that. But that's not the kind of person you are.

by Anonymousreply 94June 14, 2019 1:34 PM

r94, please read r87.

Part of the problem with these current movements is that they set highly theoretical and practically-unattainable goals.

It's all hyperbole and quietism.

by Anonymousreply 95June 14, 2019 1:37 PM

So Cyrus labels himself as a masculine Tran and a white Mexican? I'm offended he thinks it is important that people view him as white and masculine. God forbid they think he is a fem and a Mexican Mexican. What a little racist mysoginistic bitch he is.

by Anonymousreply 96June 14, 2019 3:35 PM

Now THAT'S a lispy Mexican queer!

by Anonymousreply 97June 14, 2019 3:37 PM

all modern movements are working very hard at alienating a very large portion of society, rather than trying to humanize their struggle to bring more people in. Screaming at people 'die cis scum' or 'kill white men' does absolutely nothing to strengthen your movement, rather it chases otherwise normal people to the other extreme. most people would rather not die, or see their sons punished for having the audacity to be born a white male. the real consequence of empowering useful idiots and diversity hires to positions about their status who don't fear consequences.

the future split is going to get crazy, cause im seeing more and more people going whiplashing at the seeming endless 'path of progress'

by Anonymousreply 98June 14, 2019 3:43 PM

r81 The ONLY way to hold your own against SJW in an institution like a college is to play by the SJW rules: claim greater oppression. The lesbian who is being "silenced" and "erased" must proclaim loudly and frequently that her opponents are homophobic, lesbiophobic, hateful, bigots, anti-science, and are misogynist... and especially homophobic because that one has the most value among the SJW crowd. She could also add "queerphobic" but many gay men and women (myself included) find that word offensive and a slur, so it's understandable if she doesn't want to use it. BUT if she does have a problem with queer, every time her SJW opponents use that word (and they WILL, OFTEN) she must call it out as an offensive slur that is making her feel unsafe and is actually homophobic violence perpetrated on her.

Now no normal person will be convinced by the above nonsense--indeed the lesbian herself may clearly see through the B.S.--but she's NOT dealing with normal people, she's dealing with a SJW breeding ground, formerly called a university. If you're fighting SJW on their home turf (especially as a terf haha that joke is actually way overused) you MUST fight with their tactics to hold your own. It sucks, it's dirty, it makes you feel gross, but it's the ONLY way to not get steamrolled.

by Anonymousreply 99June 14, 2019 4:35 PM

[quote]Plenty of "irritating" and "abnormal" people in our history went on to change the culture and the world for the better.

LOL. We will be expecting great things from you then, R94.

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by Anonymousreply 100June 14, 2019 6:13 PM


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by Anonymousreply 101June 14, 2019 6:29 PM

We are coming upon a time where labels like racist, bigot, anti-semite, homophobe, transphobe, etc. are going to be worn as badges of honor among the majority of average Americans. The common response to such accusations as "you're a racist!" is going to be, "Yeah? So fucking what?" And just like that, the SJWs are going to find out that they have gone to war and run out of ammunition.

You don't convert people to your way of thinking by telling them they have a duty to hate themselves.

by Anonymousreply 102June 14, 2019 6:40 PM

Identity Politics is the hill we're going to die on.

Americans who don't watch Fox News have no idea that Equality Act-type legislation has already passed at the state and local level, destroying girls' athletics, taking away women's sex-segregated spaces, destroying gay rights, and leaving parents legally unable to stop their kids from destroying their lives with unnecessary surgery, and very dangerous and expensive medication.

Once Americans become aware, the backlash will be against the Democrats for pushing gender ideology, and all the other SJW bullshit. And I say this as someone who just volunteered for the Democrats in 2018.

Here, the DC columnist for the UK Financial Times, says the same (at link): Democrats over-reach on gender identity risks strengthening Trump.

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by Anonymousreply 103June 14, 2019 6:49 PM

r102 This is true, and is already happening I think. I'm a gay male who has never and will never interact sexually with a female--not only do I have ZERO desire to do so, but the mechanics of male/female sex is something that grosses me out--and I have been called "transphobic" more times than I can count on two hands. To me, the idea of homosexuality being a hate crime is self-evidently ridiculous, but SJW disagree.

r103 I have faith that rational democrats will save the day. The SJWs are so cultish that they don't realize that their behavior and insane demands turns most people off, and that if they successfully brand themselves as THE democratic party, the result will be less ability to actually help people. If SJWs continue or succeed in poisoning the dem party, the causes that we work so hard for will suffer, and the rich will just be more emboldened to continue fucking us all over.

by Anonymousreply 104June 14, 2019 7:00 PM

"Part of the problem with these current movements is that they set highly theoretical and practically-unattainable goals. "

No, the problem is that they ignore the real problems in the world, and work towards ridiculous or harmful goals. These idiots could be devoting their energies to getting Trump impeached or arrested, or if they wanted to act locally, getting their university power entirely by sustainable energy sources.

But no, they're trying to "decolonize" a university that's already highly diverse and which has bent over backwards to give them everything they want. No, bent over forwards.

by Anonymousreply 105June 14, 2019 7:23 PM

r105 ... that's what I was implying when I wrote, "Part of the problem with these current movements is that they set highly theoretical and practically-unattainable goals."

by Anonymousreply 106June 14, 2019 7:28 PM

Black people represent a much greater threat to the safety of white people than vice versa but SJWs desperately wish to believe the reverse is true. Just last week in Florida a white veteran was shot to death by a black thug while he was trying to apologize for inadvertently cutting off the black gunman's girlfriend in traffic.

Stories like this are legion. Black men resort to lethal violence over the smallest provocation. The store keeper at Oberlin was brutally beaten by the black shoplifter and his black friends. No honest conversation about race can be had until the propensity of black people to commit violence is addressed.

by Anonymousreply 107June 14, 2019 7:49 PM

r107 This kind of racist nonsense feeds the SJW trope that anyone who disagrees with them are de facto racists. F&F this B.S.

by Anonymousreply 108June 14, 2019 7:57 PM

r108, r107 is a troll I had blocked on another thread

by Anonymousreply 109June 14, 2019 7:58 PM

R107 is getting attacked for speaking the truth to people who cannot handle hearing the truth.

by Anonymousreply 110June 14, 2019 8:01 PM

"[R105] ... that's what I was implying when I wrote, "Part of the problem with these current movements is that they set highly theoretical and practically-unattainable goals."

You could have said "stupid goals", and been both correct and succinct.

by Anonymousreply 111June 14, 2019 8:10 PM

Meh, it wouldn't have been as precise r11

I should have, however, hyphenated "highly theoretical"

by Anonymousreply 112June 14, 2019 8:13 PM

You only have to look at the epidemic of gun violence in Chicago to see which race in the USA is the most violent. Hint: it isn't white people.

by Anonymousreply 113June 14, 2019 8:14 PM

R104, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren have pledged themselves to pass the Equality Act. Joe Biden said it was his Number One priority.

Americans are suffering because of joblessness or McJobs, ageism, the opioid epidemic, the insane cost of living, lack of affordable housing, poor schools, decline of infrastructure, the coming of automation, UNAFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE, taking care of wounded vets - a million things that affect them more than cocks in frocks being allowed to swing their wenises in the girls' locker room.

Yet the Democrats prioritize the destruction of the rights of women, parents and gays, and enforce the ability of Big Pharma/Big Medicine to ruin the lives of gaylings by convincing them they shouldn't be happy in the healthy body they were born in, and in their sexuality, but need to whack their balls off and become sad facsimiles of the stereotype of the other sex.

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by Anonymousreply 114June 14, 2019 9:20 PM

R113, the race of mass shooters breaks down in a way that reflects the overall population.

Men are more violent, far more violent, than women. That's the real statistic.

by Anonymousreply 115June 15, 2019 2:37 AM

[quote]I'm a gay male who has never and will never interact sexually with a female--not only do I have ZERO desire to do so, but the mechanics of male/female sex is something that grosses me out

How is your childish ("girls are yucky") comment even relative to the conversation, R104? No doubt you'd be the first to shriek "homophobe" if you ever heard this:

[quote]I'm a straight male who has never and will never interact sexually with a male--not only do I have ZERO desire to do so, but the mechanics of male/male sex is something that grosses me out

by Anonymousreply 116June 15, 2019 5:43 AM


by Anonymousreply 117June 15, 2019 5:53 AM

R116 I’m not R104, but homosexuality isn’t childish, Aiden, and most actually gay people don’t care that straight people find the sex we have a bit gross, as we do theirs. That’s the way sexuality works. It doesn’t affect treating people as human beings, because sex ain’t a human right.

by Anonymousreply 118June 15, 2019 7:47 AM

r116 I AM r104 and r118 is 100% correct. What, do you think we live in a world where straight men think gay sex is beautiful? Please! Like r116 said, that's sexuality in a nutshell; if a straight man found gay sex beautiful and appealing and NOT at least a little gross... guess what! HE's probably not straight!

r116 also ignores the power differential between heterosexuals and homosexuals, but that's a little too liberal arts college even for me!

by Anonymousreply 119June 15, 2019 1:20 PM
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