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Sun-Sentinel Editorial Board: Rubio Should Resign

"Marco Rubio should resign, not rip us off"

After five years in the U.S. Senate, Marco Rubio does not like his job. A long-time friend told The Washington Post "he hates it." Rubio says hate might be too strong a word, but he sure acts like he hates his job.

Rubio has missed more votes than any other senator this year. His seat is regularly empty for floor votes, committee meetings and intelligence briefings. He says he's MIA from his J-O-B because he finds it frustrating and wants to be president, instead.

"I'm not missing votes because I'm on vacation," he told CNN on Sunday. "I'm running for president so that the votes they take in the Senate are actually meaningful again."

Sorry, senator, but Floridians sent you to Washington to do a job. We've got serious problems with clogged highways, eroding beaches, flat Social Security checks and people who want to shut down the government.

If you hate your job, senator, follow the honorable lead of House Speaker John Boehner and resign it.

Let us elect someone who wants to be there and earn an honest dollar for an honest day's work. Don't leave us without one of our two representatives in the Senate for the next 15 months or so.

You are paid $174,000 per year to represent us, to fight for us, to solve our problems. Plus you take a $10,000 federal subsidy — declined by some in the Senate — to participate in one of the Obamacare health plans, though you are a big critic of Obamacare.

You are ripping us off, senator.

True, it's not easy to raise money and run a presidential campaign while doing your day job. But two other candidates — Sens. Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders — have missed only 10 Senate votes during their campaigns for the White House. You, on the other hand, have missed 59, according to a tally by Politico. This includes votes on the Keystone pipeline, the Export-Import Bank and trade, to name just a few.

It is unpersuasive — and incredible, really — that you say your vote doesn't matter. "Voting is not the most important part of the job," you told CNN.

And it is unconscionable that when it comes to intelligence matters, including briefings on the Iran nuclear deal, you said, "we have a staffer that's assigned to intelligence who gets constant briefings."

And you want us to take you seriously as a presidential candidate?

Two weeks ago, you took to the Senate floor to excoriate federal workers at the Department of Veterans Affairs for failing to do their jobs. You said, "there is really no other job in the country where if you don't do your job, you don't get fired."

With the exception of your job, right?

Look, a lot us are frustrated by our jobs and office politics. But we still show up for work every day to earn a paycheck.

By choosing to stay in the Senate and get the publicity, perks and pay that go with the position — without doing the work — you are taking advantage of us.

Jeb Bush is right to call you out. "What are high standards worth if we don't apply them to ourselves?" our former governor said in August. "Consider a pattern in Congress of members who sometimes seem to regard attendance and voting as optional — something to do as time permits."

Your job is to represent Floridians in the Senate.

Either do your job, Sen. Rubio, or resign it.

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by Anonymousreply 79November 22, 2020 7:39 PM

Is there such a thing as a republican that is not a lying hypocrite?

by Anonymousreply 1October 28, 2015 4:20 PM

The GOP has no viable candidate.

by Anonymousreply 2October 28, 2015 4:25 PM

They're all liars and hypocrites, R1, but Rubio is especially vile.

He needs to be exposed!

I wish the mainstream media would do their job and OUT this guy as a total hypocrite, instead of protecting him.

We need to circulate this to let people know who he really is.

by Anonymousreply 3October 28, 2015 4:26 PM

Him going on and on about how much he hates being a Senator while he runs for President is unwise. You already aren't doing the last job you were elected to do, what makes the next one any different?

He isn't running for reelection though, so this is it for him.

by Anonymousreply 4October 28, 2015 4:28 PM

He is so fucking immature, it's embarrassing. He needs to get the fuck out of public life. He's cute. Maybe he could get a job as some TV pundit on Fox. They need to attract his demographic. HTF did he get elected anyway? Oh. Wait. I forgot. He was a Jeb Bush protege. Seriously. Jeb mentored him. And they said Jeb was the smart one.

by Anonymousreply 5October 28, 2015 4:29 PM

He refuses to do his job as Senator because he "hates the Senate," but we're expected to believe that he can be the President, and somehow work with the Senate, if elected?

He won't show up to vote, which is the major part of his job, and yet we are to believe that he'll do his job as President?

This guy is a fucking joke.

Not only should he resign as Senator, he needs to be run out of politics for good.

by Anonymousreply 6October 28, 2015 4:32 PM

[quote]He refuses to do his job as Senator because he "hates the Senate," but we're expected to believe that he can be the President, and somehow work with the Senate, if elected?

Quoted for truth and WW.

by Anonymousreply 7October 28, 2015 4:38 PM

The funny thing is that the job of senator is one of the easiest in the world. It's like always taking first class flights. Everything is provided for you. You don't read legislation. You don't read correspondence. You have aides and interns for that. You don't have to show up and vote. Nobody is paying attention. Voters only care about abortion, gay rights, Obamacare, religion, taxes and Democrat or Republican. They don't care about anything else. They don't care about jobs -- voters sat back while congress voted to let all the jobs go overseas, or to let h1b visas in to take high tech, high paying jobs. Voters don't care about light rail between cities and suburbs, about the strangled highway system, about the environment, about global "free" trade that is only free for corporations, not for consumers (real free trade would mean we could buy medication manufactured in high tech European laboratories for half the US price).

Senators don't have to even show up. Voters have sent back decrepit old men who can no longer walk or speak and people suffering from mental illness and Alzheimer's disease. Voters don't care. Jesse Helms was repeatedly sent back to the senate just because he was a psychotic racist. (And he was psychotic -- he raped a black teenaged maid and impregnated her; he was a nasty, violent racist fuck).

I doubt Floridians, of all people, care one whit about whether or not they're being adequately represented on the senate. As long as Rubio has R next to his name, they're Ok with it.

by Anonymousreply 8October 28, 2015 4:39 PM

What you wrote, R8, is terrifying.

It makes me sick to my stomach about our political system, and this is precisely why Americans have completely turned their backs on the "establishment" candidates in this election cycle.

Everyone knows that something has to change.

The only problem is that our only OTHER options are Trump, Sanders, or Carson.

This country is so fucked.

by Anonymousreply 9October 28, 2015 4:45 PM

[quote]The funny thing is that the job of senator is one of the easiest in the world.

Ding, ding, ding. How lazy is this fucker? It's not hard to just show up and vote sometimes. It isn't like he is Senate leader or some job with a lot of responsibilities. He can't even manage the job of being an every day Senator and he wants to be President?!

by Anonymousreply 10October 28, 2015 4:47 PM

Two things about him in this article that make my skin crawl:

1) He is accepting a 10,000 federal Obamacare subsidy, all while promising to end Obamacare.

2) He recommends that federal government workers should be fired for not doing their jobs, all while he receives a 175,000 dollar paycheck, for NOT DOING HIS JOB!!!

Florida gets ridiculed for being the trashiest and worst state in the country, but electing this cunt to the United States Senate has got to be the #1 worst thing that Florida has inflicted upon us.

by Anonymousreply 11October 28, 2015 4:52 PM

He is not as crazy as Carson and Trump and a few others, but he is not qualified to be President. I don't think he is qualified to be a Senator. If you read his private financial history it reads like a how to screw up your personal finance via spending money you don't have. I would not want him to run a business for me, and I certainly do not want him running government. He is incompetent. And that is before we get to his policy positions.

by Anonymousreply 12October 28, 2015 4:54 PM

How do you think John McCain managed to get away with his claims of being a maverick for so long? How does Paul Ryan keep getting called "smart"? Because nobody is paying attention. The media just repeats what it is told by the office of the senator. McCain calls himself a maverick, the media repeats it despite the fact that he consistently voted with his own party. Paul Ryan has done absolutely nothing that shows the slightest bit of anything but low-to-average intellect, yet the media repeatedly tells us he's the smartest guy around. The media isn't paying attention and neither is the public. The spectacle of politics is being shaped by GOP wordmeisters and nothing else.

by Anonymousreply 13October 28, 2015 4:59 PM

[quote] Florida gets ridiculed for being the trashiest and worst state in the country, but electing this cunt to the United States Senate has got to be the #1 worst thing that Florida has inflicted upon us.

Whoops, I forgot!

They also handed George W. Bush the Presidency in 2000, which nearly destroyed our country.

Make Rubio the SECOND WORST thing that Florida has done to us.

by Anonymousreply 14October 28, 2015 5:02 PM

I agree with R9 that R8's summary makes my blood boil but I disagree that Sanders isn't a good option. Wtf. Replace Clinton for Sanders in that sentence and then you got something.

by Anonymousreply 15October 28, 2015 5:03 PM

Why are they running him off? He will gone at the end of next year anyway.

His name be on the Florida primary ballot. He CANNOT run for 2 offices at the same time unlike that rat ass Rand Paul.

There's a strong possibility of a Senator Alan Grayson in 2017! THAT should make Mitch McConnell resign and will make Rafael Cruz's life hell. I can't wait!

by Anonymousreply 16October 28, 2015 5:03 PM

Conchita! Cancel my subscription!

by Anonymousreply 17October 28, 2015 5:11 PM

I told you my name is Consuela! Jeez! You can't even get THAT right! No wonder you're losing. Oh and half gringo children are ugly. Just so you know...

by Anonymousreply 18October 28, 2015 5:13 PM

He's such a lowlife shit.

by Anonymousreply 19October 28, 2015 5:23 PM

There was a great article about Rubio in the NY Times last Friday about his rapid rise in FL politics. He comes off as an impatient narcissist who is obsessed with rising to the next level as quickly as possible regardless of whether he's ready for the job and oblivious to bridges burned.

The only reason that he's a candidate now is due to his ethnicity (the GOP is desperate to at least appear to be Latino-friendly) and his relative youth.

The photo at the top of the article at the link says it all.

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by Anonymousreply 20October 28, 2015 5:25 PM

Rubio is considered the front-runner for the Repug nomination (by quite a wide margin) over at PredictWise.

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by Anonymousreply 21October 28, 2015 5:29 PM

Ted Cruz manages to cosponsor horrific legislation and bring the US to the brink of a standstill over and over, meddling the in the politics of both houses while running. Mario can't even be bothered to get good hairplugs.

by Anonymousreply 22October 28, 2015 5:31 PM

[quote] Rubio is considered the front-runner for the Repug nomination (by quite a wide margin) over at PredictWise.

And this is why he must be destroyed.

by Anonymousreply 23October 28, 2015 5:38 PM

Whitest Latino ever.

by Anonymousreply 24October 28, 2015 5:42 PM

Marco has the reputation of being lazy, and even some Republicans in Congress have alluded to it. He avoids anything tedious and detailed, and profoundly ambitious without doing his own homework. I am not a JEB, but Marco display stab him mentor in the back.

Ted Cruz is another character that acts so entitled. He's creepy and that's not just for the Halloween season.

by Anonymousreply 25October 28, 2015 5:45 PM

Intended to say am not a JEB fan, but Marco stabbed his mentor in the back politically.

---damn typing on these small gadgets.

by Anonymousreply 26October 28, 2015 5:50 PM

HE's not the frontrunner. No votes have been cast. Nada. He has trouble raising money and he is not at all well organized. HOP establishment was hoping to sprinkle a few latinos into the mix, but he is certifiable. Answer me this? Why are all these fuckers so crazy? Really. Rubio is unbalanced. He's very shifty.

by Anonymousreply 27October 28, 2015 5:51 PM

Yo, Marco!

You in danger , gurl!

by Anonymousreply 28October 28, 2015 5:53 PM

He's a little boy. Remember the water bottle? Priceless.

by Anonymousreply 29October 28, 2015 5:57 PM

For most without using afforded sick leave or accumulated vacation time, not showing up for work extensively and repeatedly, means you get fired or your pay docked.

by Anonymousreply 30October 28, 2015 6:00 PM

[quote] Remember the water bottle? Priceless.

You mean this? ROFL!

This guy will NEVER be President.

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by Anonymousreply 31October 28, 2015 6:02 PM

[quote] He comes off as an impatient narcissist who is obsessed with rising to the next level as quickly as possible regardless of whether he's ready for the job and oblivious to bridges burned.

Hey, it worked for Rudolph Giuliani.

by Anonymousreply 32October 28, 2015 6:07 PM

That video at R31 is hilarious. Was he on drugs or did he eat a peanut butter sandwich right before going on the air?

by Anonymousreply 33October 28, 2015 6:19 PM

I'm not so sure he'd be able to carry winner-take-all Florida in March, unless he becomes INCREDIBLY lucky, inheriting the last-man-standing mantle of Romney, playing whack-a-mole with the other crazies in turn. My gut is that he won't make it past the first four states.

by Anonymousreply 34October 28, 2015 6:19 PM

He needs to cut down on the outdoor, with the wind blowing and all, campaign events.

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by Anonymousreply 35October 28, 2015 6:21 PM

[quote] That video at [R31] is hilarious. Was he on drugs or did he eat a peanut butter sandwich right before going on the air?

Believe it or not, that was a LIVE response to President Obama's State of the Union address.

This guy is unbeleivable to think that he's even in the same league as Obama.

He is fucking amateur hour, not to mention awkward as hell.

Curious how the media holds him up high on a pedestal, isn't it.

Thank goodness I have the ability to think critically, otherwise, I would think he's the second coming of jc, according to the media.

by Anonymousreply 36October 28, 2015 6:23 PM

His youth, being ethnic, being only a first term senator who quickly rose to prominence and is running for president...people want to pretend he is the GOP's answer to Obama.

[quote]This guy is unbeleivable to think that he's even in the same league as Obama.

Exactly. Obama is far smarter, and a far more charismatic and talented public official.

Rubio has been lucky and successfully hustled to get where he is, I give him that, but the emperor has no clothes.

by Anonymousreply 37October 28, 2015 6:28 PM

This Rubio guy trying to manage a crisis such as another financial meltdown, or some country or group unleashing a weapon of mass destruction, or another natural disaster, looks troubling.

Whether a Democrat or Republican ends up being elected, I want that individual to have seasoned, good judgment, proven high level executive sills, stamina, evidence of high intelligence, be mentally stable, energetic in the right way, and possess gained respect to know when to put ideology and special interests aside enough in order to reach critically needed accomplishments.

by Anonymousreply 38October 28, 2015 7:35 PM

Rubio, the Catholic-Mormon-Catholic-Baptist candidate.

by Anonymousreply 39October 28, 2015 7:37 PM

Even the religious nut cases should shun him for not being able to pick one religion and stick with it.

by Anonymousreply 40October 28, 2015 7:38 PM

I wonder if El Dumbo will ever grow into to those enormous ears?

by Anonymousreply 41October 28, 2015 7:39 PM

"...Marco stabbed his mentor in the back politically."

If you read the NY Times article, he has a habit of doing that.

"Hey, it worked for Rudolph Giuliani."

How? His presidential campaign went nowhere.

"Curious how the media holds him up high on a pedestal, isn't it."

Only because the media is desperate to look "balanced" and hold up a GOP candidate that isn't far-right like Trump, Carson, or Cruz, and isn't retrenching like Bush. Depending on how far Rubio goes, more crap about him will surface. This Op-Ed piece from a FL paper is just the beginning.

by Anonymousreply 42October 28, 2015 7:50 PM

His hairpiece is starting to look like licorice twists.

by Anonymousreply 43October 28, 2015 8:36 PM

Donald Trump said that he's never seen anyone sweat so much as Marco Rubio. rofl!

He must be musky as hell.

by Anonymousreply 44October 28, 2015 8:37 PM

[quote] Hey, it worked for Rudolph Giuliani."

[quote] How? His presidential campaign went nowhere.

He was elected to two terms as mayor of NYC while being a narcissistic nasty-ass racist douchebag who immediately began burning bridges as soon as he was elected the first time. I thought he would never be reelected due to the enemies he deliberately made. But no. Staten Island made sure he got in again.

He managed to contain his insanity for about three days after 9/11. Then he was back on track as the narcissistic hero of the USA. America loved him. Money was thrown at him by corporations who put him on their boards, who hired him as a "security consultant" Yes -- the man who put the NYC Office of Emergency Management in the WTC after it had already been hit by terrorists who had vowed to hit it again -- was paid beaucoup bucks to be a security consultant. You know where City Hall directed response to 9/11 from? Bellevue Hospital, as the NYC OEM in WTC burned.

People paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars to speak at their events. The guy who notified his wife and children via TV and radio that he was moving his GF into Gracie Mansion. The guy who elevated like-minded pug Bernie Kerik to police commissioner because Kerik used to drive him to his 2am assignations with his two GFs.

Being a narcissistic douche worked out just fine for Rudolph Giuliani, who was able to keep his campaign war chests from his failed runs for the presidency. He knew he would never be president. It was always done to make money and to enhance his power as an inner-party kingmaker. That's what Giuliani is about. Fame, power and money. And he's got all three. There are people all over the country who will kiss his feet and still declare him "America's mayor" and pay his way for him.

by Anonymousreply 45October 28, 2015 8:52 PM

I love the inside dirt like what R45 provides.

You'd never find these things out anywhere, but here.

I knew that Giuliani was a scumbag. I just didn't realize how much of a scumbag he really is.

by Anonymousreply 46October 28, 2015 8:55 PM

My crazy racist grandmother in Texas adores Giuliani. He played the game and got where he wanted.

by Anonymousreply 47October 28, 2015 9:00 PM

The media was and still is complicit in Giuliani's lies, just as they are complicit in all political lies.

When Giuliani decided to "out" his girlfriend Judith to the public, the media lost no time in detailing how long he'd been dating her, all the events to which he took her, the whole reason why he made Kerik the police commissioner and how they, well....yeah, they did cover up his affair with his media person, Christyne Lataganos.

They knew all of this for years but never printed it. They didn't want to get on his bad side and be denied access to City Hall. Plus, it was a guy thing. Guys just didn't rat out other guys over their affairs with women. Sure, it was ok for guys to gossip about the gay governor of NJ and write articles referring to his secret life, but that was [italic] different. [/italic]

by Anonymousreply 48October 28, 2015 9:14 PM

R45, it's apples and oranges. You are right that Giuliani has done very well for himself as the Mayor of 9/11, but unlike him, Rubio seriously wants to be POTUS and clumsy bridge burning is less tolerated on that path.

by Anonymousreply 49October 28, 2015 9:17 PM

Marco Antonio said the other day one of the two top candidates tried to kill someone when he was 14(!!!) Is it Carson or Trump? The networks and that stupid press corp seemed to miss that crack...

by Anonymousreply 50October 28, 2015 10:13 PM

Funny no newspaper said the same thing when Obama ran. Obama missed 3X the amount of votes than Rubio. Plus Obama was lauded for his candor in talking about how boring and miserable he found his job. Here's a good graphic for you. Hillz is on there too.

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by Anonymousreply 51October 28, 2015 10:33 PM

Saw Marco on a plane recently and he did fly Economy comfort. He was short, chubby, balding and sweaty. This is what passes as hot on the Hill.

by Anonymousreply 52October 28, 2015 10:37 PM

Rubio doesn't have what Giuliani had. Giuliani's father was a diagnosed criminal sociopath who was violent and worked as a mob enforcer. Giuliani inherited his father's pathology as well as his connections and used them in politics.

Rubio is a wannabe. He has the narcissism of Giuliani and he might have sociopath tendencies, but he wasn't born into the street smart mob that Giuliani was born into. He has too much catching up to do and not enough time. Maybe his kids' generation will make it to the top.

by Anonymousreply 53October 28, 2015 10:45 PM

That's a very misleading graphic R51, but I suspect you know that.

by Anonymousreply 54October 28, 2015 11:20 PM

Mexico City paid Giuliani a million dollars to clean up crime and corruption there. How's that working out for you, Mexicans?

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by Anonymousreply 55October 28, 2015 11:41 PM

I think it would nice to have a young, Catholic President again.

by Anonymousreply 56October 29, 2015 1:20 AM

It would be really difficult to figure out which Republican presidential candidate is the whiniest. Donald "If you cross me I'm gonna hold my breath until I turn blue" Trump. Jeb "I'd be nothing if I wasn't a bush and why doesn't anyone like me even my mother" Bush, this Rubio who is so bored with being a senator thus proving he'd be useless as anything else, etc. I think we should check out their genitals; they all sound like whiny pussies.

by Anonymousreply 57October 29, 2015 2:27 AM

The senate is lazy, so if someone misses stupid votes like renaming a post office or procedural votes, I don't think that is a problem. The issue is when you miss important committee meetings and hearings.

by Anonymousreply 58October 29, 2015 2:33 AM

Rand Paul has a pretty poor attendance and voting record as well.

by Anonymousreply 59October 29, 2015 2:38 AM

r13 Great post. Journalist are probably worst than politicians. They help shield he public from basic information and analysis.

by Anonymousreply 60October 29, 2015 2:46 AM

Bush tore him apart during the debate tonight and really read him!!!!!

by Anonymousreply 61October 29, 2015 3:16 AM

Judging by the Times story, Rubio's past is all figuring angles how to use people to get what he wants No Rules apply to him, not in his official obligations to his constituents in Fla where he defunded So Fla schools for a speakership, now he doesnt serve his Fla constituents as Fla Senator. But he wants to be President. Then there is the issue of his personnal Fianacial quagmire, not in the least embarassed by it, nor concerned. Once again the Rules do not apply to him.

Yes, he just might be a Sociopath. Immature for sure.

by Anonymousreply 62October 29, 2015 3:50 AM

Problem is, Rubio is quick and agile and glib and that's how he gets way with being an opportunistic creep... mentored by George Bush. Right now the media he's criticizing is exactly what's propping him up. Dumbass Bush chastized him on TV tonight about his absenteeism, and he was ready with a glib comeback. I guess now Jeb will abandon that line and try something else, because he lacks conviction. Jeb needs to keep pounding away at him on his attendance and anything else they can find, because I bet you they'll find some dirt on him.

by Anonymousreply 63October 29, 2015 4:02 AM

[quote]He isn't running for reelection though, so this is it for him.

Rubio has announced he isn't running for the Senate again?

by Anonymousreply 64October 29, 2015 4:44 AM

R64 Scroll back toward the beginning of the thread. I explain WHY Rubio will lose his current job and Rand could possibly keep his job.

by Anonymousreply 65October 29, 2015 7:37 AM

Would Alan Grayson really be the best Senate nominee for the Dems in Florida?

It would be good to find another Bill Nelson.

by Anonymousreply 66October 29, 2015 7:40 AM

Yes, R64, he is retiring.

by Anonymousreply 67October 29, 2015 7:57 AM

If the Democrats want Bill Nelson to be joined by another Senate colleague from Florida, they need to find someone who can have the same type of cross-demographic appeal as Nelson does.

by Anonymousreply 68October 29, 2015 8:02 AM

[quote]Scroll back toward the beginning of the thread. I explain WHY Rubio will lose his current job

We don't need your explanation, numb nuts. Rubio's Senate seat is up for reelection in 2016, and he's not running to keep it. The end.

by Anonymousreply 69October 29, 2015 11:47 AM

"Funny no newspaper said the same thing when Obama ran. Obama missed 3X the amount of votes than Rubio. Plus Obama was lauded for his candor in talking about how boring and miserable he found his job. Here's a good graphic for you. Hillz is on there too. "

First, I would love to know the source of that chart as one can manipulate GovTrack data very easily. Notice the graph doesn't specify the time frame covered.

Second, I don't recall Obama going on about how boring he found his job at the Senate. He certainly stated that he found elements of it frustrating in terms of the partisanship and difficulty in getting things done, but plenty of politicians have made similar statements, and few would argue the point.

by Anonymousreply 70October 29, 2015 2:00 PM

"Bush tore him apart during the debate tonight and really read him!!!!! "

Hardly. Bush made a half-hearted attempt to chastise him about his absenteeism, and Rubio's comeback, while glib, exuded confidence. The problem is that Bush just isn't a fighter and Rubio is and the latter knows how to present himself to the media. It makes you wonder just how much Bush really wants this - he wants to the the gentleman and this nomination process is not for gentlemen. After last night, it should be obvious to anyone that Bush will not get the nomination - it will be a real slap to that nasty family that's been a long time coming.

Trouble is, Rubio is much more of a snake oil salesman and is making a lot of headway in hoodwinking the GOP electorate. He may well get the nomination, which would be ironic as the GOP bitched about Obama being Prez with limited Senate experience, and how the GOP is propping up someone with the same issue.

by Anonymousreply 71October 29, 2015 2:07 PM

R69 I'M the numbnuts? He asked. I explained. THAT'S the end. It was an A and B conversation. C your way out!

by Anonymousreply 72October 29, 2015 7:21 PM

Marco Rubio is young and handsome; and will sweep the floor with that withered old hag, Hillary Clinton.

by Anonymousreply 73October 29, 2015 10:42 PM

[quote]Marco Rubio is young and handsome;

Didn't help Rick Lazio, who really is handsome.

by Anonymousreply 74October 30, 2015 6:56 AM

It is time for another young, Catholic President.

by Anonymousreply 75October 31, 2015 12:52 AM

Rubio sucks.

by Anonymousreply 76November 22, 2020 7:22 PM

Do you mean that in a negative way?

by Anonymousreply 77November 22, 2020 7:25 PM

Dead eyes.

by Anonymousreply 78November 22, 2020 7:26 PM

DeFecto the 2015 Bump Troll is infesting is again. F&F!

by Anonymousreply 79November 22, 2020 7:39 PM
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